Above Majestic [Secret Space Program]
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Watched this twice already. Will be watching again soon.
Most people refuse to even watch this. Then they wonder what Q meant when they said "The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital."
This is what they meant. lol.
I've watched a few times. Even if 40% is true, holy crap......changes everything.
I have watched it & wonder how much of it is controlled messaging from black hats to throw earnest seekers of Truth off?
I do not know. I simply go back to the idea that David Wilcox offered that even if you don't believe or agree with what all those interviewed claimed, I think every one of us can rally around demanding full disclosure.
I have a hard time with the concept of extra terrestrial visits on this planet with what I have seen regarding ET visits & calling out the name of Jesus Christ via a study by a couple of reformed atheists. Every abduction ended up stopping & the person being abducted was released & the "aliens" disappeared.
Either way, I can get behind the idea of increasing our vibration/energy/consciousness & am excited for how this movie ends.
edit- Granted I also can see how ascended beings are extra dimensional/other worldly at this point & believe they exist.
The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.
Aliens and ‘Galactic Federation’ exist, ex-Israeli space chief claims. https://globalnews.ca/news/7508152/aliens-galactic-federation-israel-trump/
Aside from the question of the possible or probable existence of humanoid relatable alien lifeforms within or outside our orbit and timeline:
Majestic 12
Operation Bluebook
Sitchin's intentional mistranslations of Annanaki and Dogon to create God-men hybrid concept as reality.
'Chariots of the GODS'
False Alien Disclosure/Invasion plans
Possible agendas/Methods of Operation
Anybody pushing Aliens as a threat or something that should be feared are misinformed and not worth listening to. Or worse they have an agenda. IMO.
Fear is used to control us. Contact is already happening and it will slowly become more obvious over time. That is the only way humans will be able to wrap their heads around it and finally realize that "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
Alien invasion is fear threat.
Invasion/disclosure is a card within the plotline cards of the Illuminatti card deck with a plus algorhythm for terror across all groups.
A/an/an-u ..........'of/deriving from/beginning-source of'
Naki in Africa is a name meaning 'first born'.
Nibiru: The name is Akkadian and means 'crossing place' or 'place of transition'. In most Babylonian texts it is identified with the planet Jupiter.
These are metaphysical ideas that are symbolized in myths along with their astrological/astronomical counterparts.
Of the firstborn:
Men elevated to godhood or gods falling into mortality?
Is either possible, by definition?
It comes down to whether you believe in "aliens" or not. If you do, and you want answers, start listening to channelers like Lee Carrol [Kryon], and Darryl Anka [Bashar], and listen to the tapes of Don Elkins and Carla L. Rueckert or read the Law of One books. That is where you will find valuable information.
Everything is vibration. This whole world has been kept at a low vibration by outside entities [Reptilians] for a very long time. Our society has been DESIGNED to keep us separated and fighting amongst ourselves. This "every man for himself" mindset has kept us from harmonizing our consciousnesses.
When we finally realize that we are ONE [wwg1wga] our consciousness will harmonize and our vibration will raise from one of fear and division to unity [Love]. This will trigger a change in our DNA from carbon-based to crystalline [light] based. https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZWyjLQAq/we-are-carbonbased-life-forms-be/c/
We are all "God's" children. We are all capable of what Jesus achieved. The return of Christ is not the return of a man, it is the return of his state of mind [vibration] [consciousness]. That is what will save us.
This has all been prophesized because it is a cycle. Nothing can stop what is coming literally. https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZE9J9oNM/ascension/c/