I've always been on the fence about Elon, especially about neural link, But to me there's no denying that the cleanup of a Twitter is absolutely in line with the Q plan. The timing of everything, especially with Kari Lake fighting the Arizona election, I feel like the storm has been brewing and starting to rain.
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The jury is not still out.
Elon is calling out the network of pedophiles that the previous Twitter staff enabled and supported.
If Elon were a Black Hat, his Cabal handlers would never allow this to happen. The exposure of child trafficking and pedophilia is undoubtedly and unequivocally a White Hat operation.
It is for a lot of people who look at the whole "Elon package" and not just the Twitter files.
On a side note, has he exposed anything concerning pedophilia ? So far I've read about certain hashtags disappearing & Elon calling out Twitter for not having enough staff working on removal of CP.
Edit: "They would never allow this to happen" - or would they? Maybe it's a controlled demolition / cover-up? Or maybe it could be that in many of their occult beliefs they see themselves as Gods, giving (doing good) and taking (doing evil).
Why would a controlled demolition involve leaking their communications and strategies? Outing an FBI agent?
They would if they want/need the people they want to spy on back on their controlled platform. "Hey look, we cleaned the place up. Come back so you can feed us data again." Meanwhile, they shuffle the child porn operation elsewhere out of sight.
Twitter's purpose was not for spying. Facebook was originally a DARPA project called Lifelog, and was designed for the purpose of spying. Twitter was about narrative priming and control, as well as networking for pedophilia and trafficking, as well as a number of other covert operations such as ANTIFA and BLM organizing, and other such psy-ops.
Of the two platforms, Twitter is infinitely more valuable to maintaining the structural integrity of the Cabal's narratives, and ensuring the masses stay asleep. When was the last time you heard anyone talk about a trending story on Facebook? It seems like every day we are hearing of another conspiracy that is trending on Twitter's feed, and reaching more and more normies with each and every passing day.
In the present climate on Twitter, the Cabal want nothing more than to see a mass exodus of users from the platform, as it has become ground zero for Red Pilling.
Twitter is being used to spy on us. They literally claim that they use "everything" on the website to train AIs. In the short-term, they need us, specifically their political opposition, back on the DHS-controlled platform to feed the AIs and analysts data. In the long-term, however, they need everyone back on one platform for their upcoming social credit plans. The end goal, which Musk himself has already admitted publicly, is to create an "everything" app similar to Chinese WeChat. Do you know anything about WeChat? It's basically how China controls their social credit system and Great Firewall. Twitter is so crucial to both their surveillance needs and upcoming plans that they are willing to make easy compromises like getting rid of the child porn and admitting what everyone already know in the first place (the political censorship).