That appears to be the case according to Q Post 153.
Now I realize that much of this is regarding Donald Trump and everything he gave up to become POTUS, but we can simply take out a key line (the line about Hillary not conceding) and change POTUS to Twitter CEO and then we have everything Elon is going through. The last line in this post is the kicker. Q asks, "When does a bird sing?"
The answer, "When it is free."
Besides, everything Elon Musk has stated in the past month or so, was his desire for Twitter to be a free speech platform.
That brings us back to Q Post 55.
While everybody thought that the statement "My Fellow Americans, the storm is upon us," was going to be stated by President Trump, that is not proving to be the case.
My Fellow Americans, welcome to the storm. Stay safe! :)
Not even EM u/#q571
I wasn't giving EM a pass. I just stated events from his POV.
Way too many people think he is a white hat and they are ignoring huge red flags. It is starting to bother me. lol.
A musing response:
Every human being is, in reality, a complex, unique individual with the capacity to grow and change, often in profound ways.
Examples? Christian despising Pharisee Saul became St Paul. The Revolutionary War hero patriot General Arnold betrayed General Washington and today his name is a synonym for traitor.
As Trumps pointed out many times, you never really know who someone is, even yourself, until they're "tried by fire".
Additionally, Q pointed out that only a very few humans know what's really going on. At best, armchairs know 20% and readers were reminded that " disinformation is necessary". This is omething students of Sun Tzus "Art of War" have been told repeatedly and had confirmed as true countless times.
Consequently, I avoid serious, time consuming efforts, to determine whether someone is a "white hat" or "black hat". Aren't such efforts a modern version of debates during the Middle Ages about how many angels could dance on the head of a pin and a potentially Fatal Distraction?
The complex Real World =/= simple Marvel Movie World inhabited by good guys and villains
Long ago, a wise friend encouraged me to embrace the attitude expressed in the bible; "Only God is good". Accepting her advice freed me from endless speculations about others so I could instead focus on praying for everyone then concentrating on allowing God to work with me and through me with the least amount of "I-Know-Better" resistance. Please let "THY will (not mine) be done on earth as its done in heaven".
My decisions relevance to others? Unknowable. Each persons journey is unique. I wish each sojourner a bon voyage.
Fortunately, in many cases, sneks ie " black hats" can be far more useful than "white hats", especially to experienced snek handlers who are well aware of who they're dealing with; handlers like Q and Q+.
What are others really up? I don't know. I have enough trouble figuring out what I'm really up to and trying to ensure that I'm doing His will rather than mine.
Best wishes to all. : ).
Too many people are justifying his actions with "what-ifs" and crazy unproven theories instead of questioning his actions.
You are right, we do not know what is going on, so we shouldn't be guessing. We should be questioning EVERYTHING and there are a lot of things that do not add up.
Why did he let James Baker delete evidence? Why did he keep Perkins Coie on the payroll? Why did he defend Jack? Why is he defending the FBI? Why did he say Trump would have lost even without Twitter's interference?
We only get one shot at this. Now is not the time to sit back and hope he has flipped or is being controlled by "white hats".
WE ARE THE PLAN. u/#flynnarmy