The speed at which you can type that makes it no less faggoty and effeminate however, and I'm not sure exactly what you want me to say?
The speed at which you type and the volume that you type is irrelevant to how masculine or effeminate you are and that is a really stupid sentiment, made by retarded people who let their bias blind them and will find any way possible to attack someone, even the most pointless and stupid reasons.
Stop the press, this is hot news.
Proof is hot news, yes. Cut the sarcasm, stop being an ass, grow up.
The speed at which you type and the volume that you type is irrelevant to how masculine or effeminate you are and that is a really stupid sentiment, made by retarded people who let their bias blind them and will find any way possible to attack someone, even the most pointless and stupid reasons.
Proof is hot news, yes. Cut the sarcasm, stop being an ass, grow up.