What Will America Look Like in 5 years - A Theory
After 5 years, the mRNA vaxx will have had more than enough time to do the work that it was designed to do.
Within 5 years, I believe the Plan may have probably completed execution.
Statistically, when you look at political and cultural spectrum:
- The majority of people on the left took at least one dose of the vaxx
- Among conservatives, depending on the source, roughly 50% or so have not had a single dose.
- Of the most toxic fauci fans (covidiots, regardless of political spectrum), pretty much all have had every dose they can get their hands on.
- same is true of the most all toxic liberals in general.
- straight people had a higher rate of rejecting the vaxx, versus gay people (who as a group lean heavily liberal), who were much more likely to have taken at least one dose.
There are more factors, but these are high level.
Thinking about what the country might look like in 5 years, I see a far more conservative, based culture ahead of us. The unfortunate reality is that there will be a major culling of liberal ideology from our culture through vaxx side effects.
As dark as it may seem, is it possible that this was somehow the intention?
The shaman were sometimes heyoka and heyoka sometimes shaman, but the two are not necessarily synonymous.
that's good to know/will help as I keep digging.
I also noticed you mentioned mobius strip in another comment, was always fascinated with them.
are they 8s, infinity?
They lend to the meme of 'figure 8' as infinity, yes. Perhaps you could see eight as two fours (seperate foundations) connected by a 'line' of truth down the middle.
Mobius provides example of the toroidal nature of existence as well as it's mysterious ability to appear as two opposites and one at the same time.
It's all in the twist.
See Theoria Apohasis on Youtube for excellent descriptions.