What Will America Look Like in 5 years - A Theory
After 5 years, the mRNA vaxx will have had more than enough time to do the work that it was designed to do.
Within 5 years, I believe the Plan may have probably completed execution.
Statistically, when you look at political and cultural spectrum:
- The majority of people on the left took at least one dose of the vaxx
- Among conservatives, depending on the source, roughly 50% or so have not had a single dose.
- Of the most toxic fauci fans (covidiots, regardless of political spectrum), pretty much all have had every dose they can get their hands on.
- same is true of the most all toxic liberals in general.
- straight people had a higher rate of rejecting the vaxx, versus gay people (who as a group lean heavily liberal), who were much more likely to have taken at least one dose.
There are more factors, but these are high level.
Thinking about what the country might look like in 5 years, I see a far more conservative, based culture ahead of us. The unfortunate reality is that there will be a major culling of liberal ideology from our culture through vaxx side effects.
As dark as it may seem, is it possible that this was somehow the intention?
The human body is insanely resistant. Some people have immaculate immune systems. Even if the vax was created as nefariously as proposed, I think you may be vastly overstating it's effect on people. Those that will be affected by the vax have most likely already been affected. Will there be more cases to come? Certainly. A mass genocide though, highly unlikely. Remember that God still exists.
The primary victims of the vax will be the overweight people which honestly wouldn't be a bad thing. Modern society, especially here in the USA, has become infested with gluttony. It has created a portion of the population that are more useless than a turd laying on a floor. It might be harsh to say it that way but anyone that sits emotions aside and looks at it logically, will see exactly what it is.
Those people that are overweight and extremely lazy are the ones living unhealthy and inactive lifestyles which contributes to a weaker immune system. There will be plenty of healthy people that survive the negative effects of the vax but those overweight and unhealthy are the most likely to die from it. Some elderly will die but they'd of died from something regardless since the immune system weakens the older we get.
I don't believe covid was the actual big plan though. I believe covid was more of a trial run, more like an experiment of sort. The next virus will be far worse but no matter how bad a virus is, people with incredibly good immune systems probably would still be fine.
I'm 44 and to my knowledge, have only been actually sick once in my entire life over 30 years ago. I don't get vaccines or see doctors because I'm always feeling fine. My only problems are some old physical injuries that hurt a bit more as I get older but that's never been an issue for me. I rarely can even sit through a movie without pausing it to get up and walk around.
Regardless of what people believe, we are only guaranteed this one life and we should take care of our bodies since this is the only guaranteed body we get. Some people believe in god and that they'll go to heaven after death but that reality is not a proven guaranteed thing. I'm not saying it's not real, I'm just saying we're only absolutely guaranteed this one life in this one body and everyone should take care of their bodies. Even if god is real, taking care of our bodies provides a higher quality of life and the ability to better enjoy this life we have.
Logically one would think the elderly and obese would be the most susceptible but the jabs are also proving disastrous for fit healthy young people. Elite athletes are dropping like flies.
Even athletes can have health problems that are not made public. It could also be genetic. A person can be an elite athlete and at the same time not have a superb immune system. Being in supreme physical shape alone doesn't guarantee good health and a good immune system.
Being overweight has been proven to cause health problems which can lessen the immune system's effectiveness. I think the athletes suspected of dying from the shots may have been susceptible to things not made aware of. It's sometimes simply like winning the lottery of life, in a way.
I've seen stories of old people living past 100 that were chain smokers when everything tells us that a chain smoker should not live as long as a non smoker. I believe athletes that died from those shots would have died younger than normal regardless but the shots simply sped that up dramatically.
For sure, people have always had pre-disposed genetic conditions that make them weak or strong in various diverse aspects.
Thing is...
Elite athlete deaths this past 18 months have exponentially increased. Dozens of top tier Euroleague (soccer) players either had heart attacks on the field and died (sometimes in front of tens of thousands of spectators) or were stretchered off and died soon afterwards. Many have died during training. 100+ FIFA players this previous season RIP.
The same scenario has unfolded in all other high intensity sports. Marathon running is a prime example.
This is NOT normal.
Have you not been paying attention?