294 CDC FAKES High Flu Numbers in the US to Scare Us into Taking Useless Flu Vaccines. 💉🫠💉 (igorchudov.substack.com) posted 2 years ago by CoolAsACucumber 2 years ago by CoolAsACucumber +294 / -0 CDC FAKES High Flu Numbers in the US to Scare Us into Taking Useless Flu Vaccines Does Flu Vaccine Worsen deadly bacterial infections? 81 comments share 81 comments share save hide report block hide replies
It could be that the Vax lowered the immune system as Dr. Malone predicted.
If they attribute all the illness to covid this year it whittles away more at the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Now they can split up all the sick into covid and flu groups.
AIDS-Like "Chronic Covid" is Taking Over Europe, Australia and NZ - This article shows how the vaccine causes IMMUNE IMPRINTING and thus opens the door to endless reinfection.