Yes I did notice...but the reason there is not more outrage is because adopting children is such a "good" thing. I remember a time in my life that I thought it would be better to be adopted by a gay couple than not to be adopted at all...and of course, there were shows etc. that showed loving families like this...BUT once pedogate hit, I did a 180° because it became obvious what was going on. These peope are very clever to always mask their evil in good intentions.
If adopting was such a good thing, why do agencies make it so hard for couples REALLY WANTING children to adopt, so hard in fact, that many go overseas to adopt. I'm talking about Good, everyday folks everyone, not the Hollywood, rich elite types.
Because their motives don't line up with giving children good homes. Just like CPS...all adoption agencies are more about child trafficking than the well-being of children. We know of so many people that were adopted into loving homes in the past...but the only way to do that type of adoption now is to use alternative adoption agencies that still care about children...because for the evil ones, children come cheaply...a dime a dozen.
Thanks for posting
I'm getting close to retirement but one Is as young as one feels, lol. Best days of my life were raising my 4 sons. I think about fistering kids. The negative stories keep me from doing it as I don't need another fight in my life. (I'm still recovering from husband's and son's death 4 years ago...thought we would enjoy twilight years journey now is trying to see blessings and cherish unexpected moments.)
You can see in my original post I did not limit it. I absolutely believe from the onset the LBGTQ movement is about grooming and abusing children.
Actually got a lot of pushback from the anon community as I promoted this perspective.
That needs an astronauts meme for sure; “.... the lgbt movement is about pedophilia?” “Always has been”.
The ‘rights’ (civil, gay, etc.) are also just well disguised conveyor belts to marxism.
Yes I did notice...but the reason there is not more outrage is because adopting children is such a "good" thing. I remember a time in my life that I thought it would be better to be adopted by a gay couple than not to be adopted at all...and of course, there were shows etc. that showed loving families like this...BUT once pedogate hit, I did a 180° because it became obvious what was going on. These peope are very clever to always mask their evil in good intentions.
If adopting was such a good thing, why do agencies make it so hard for couples REALLY WANTING children to adopt, so hard in fact, that many go overseas to adopt. I'm talking about Good, everyday folks everyone, not the Hollywood, rich elite types.
Because their motives don't line up with giving children good homes. Just like CPS...all adoption agencies are more about child trafficking than the well-being of children. We know of so many people that were adopted into loving homes in the past...but the only way to do that type of adoption now is to use alternative adoption agencies that still care about children...because for the evil ones, children come cheaply...a dime a dozen.
I know. That is so sad. I'm glad for this place as it reminds me there are a least as many good people as bad. Thank you.
Adoptive parent here. It's not hard. Nor is it expensive. Become a foster parent.
Thanks for posting I'm getting close to retirement but one Is as young as one feels, lol. Best days of my life were raising my 4 sons. I think about fistering kids. The negative stories keep me from doing it as I don't need another fight in my life. (I'm still recovering from husband's and son's death 4 years ago...thought we would enjoy twilight years journey now is trying to see blessings and cherish unexpected moments.)