Speculated, but do you think all the vaxxed people will still be alive in the next 5-10 years?
I'm not a doomer, and I think the human body can overcome obstacles. however, I've heard in the worst case scenarios, is that most of the people that are vaxxed now may pass away in the next 5-10 years. thoughts?
By 2033 world pop will be 2 billion. Very little of the reduction will have to do with the vax.
Are you thinking Solar/Polar issues or nuclear war?
Grand solar minimum causing starvation, or solar flares knocking out infrastructure, or solar magnetic slip causing havoc on earth, or sun-influenced earth magnetic pole shift/flip that wreaks havoc? Or, combination? Or something different? Would like your opinion. This topic fascinates me.
Magnetic field is well into its decline/excursion. Flaring in early cycle 26, 2028 to 2033, will take out 8 of 10 power grids worldwide, and they won't be coming back. Don't be surprised if more than half of all structures burn to the ground at the same time... and all EV's. My guess is crustal displacement will be a non-issue with the exception of quakes and a few likely eruptions. Every costal area will be high risk. Every population center over 100,000 will be a death trap. No food, no water, no power, no fuel...no way out. The havoc that follows will last as long as there are surface dweller survivors. The underground bunkers are not for us though they were built by funds robbed from the people for generations. What were you thinking the chosen people were chosen for?
We need a SolarPoleshift.Win or something. I'm also fascinated by this, it makes politics seem pointless. It blows my mind we may really be at the end.