Speculated, but do you think all the vaxxed people will still be alive in the next 5-10 years?
I'm not a doomer, and I think the human body can overcome obstacles. however, I've heard in the worst case scenarios, is that most of the people that are vaxxed now may pass away in the next 5-10 years. thoughts?
Not everyone in the medical field is a murdering piece of shit. There were shots given that were never given, and their were shots given where the poison was trashed and saline injected.
You get a certificate, and you get a certificate, and you......
I think there is more of this than a lot of people realize. However, for the few that really took the crap (I know four or five) some are having some horrible reactions. Reactions that will leave them dead probably in under five years.
Yeah, lots of docs and nurses doing the right thing and injecting sinks and signing papers. They don't want to hang later.