Karl Rove Who Ran PAC Ads Supportive of Top Democrat Candidate and Held a Fundraiser for Adam Kinzinger Blames Trump for Midterm...
Dirty RINO Karl Rove attacked President Donald Trump again this weekend and blamed him for Republican losses in the 2022 midterm elections. What an awful person. Rove’s PAC actually ran ads supporting radical Democrat Josh Shapiro in the 2022 midterm elect...
The GOP was willing to lose much more than they did just to make Trump look bad. In fact, they probably helped in Arizona and Georgia to get Democrats elected. They didn't want to win, not if it made Trump look good. There is only one party in DC. The party of "Them", and they are against us.
...more truth from The Troof....
Someone get me a Rove on a Rope for Christmas.
...he would make an adorable wind chime...
As one who has several beautiful wind chimes on her front porch, I call that wind chime desecration.
Karl Rove was nicknamed "Turd Blossom" for a good reason.