Drip is absolutely the right way. Death by 1000 cuts. One big dump would just allow them to easily bury it in the news cycle. This way it is constantly shifting the zeitgeist. They did the same thing to us with endless investigations against Trump, but this is 20x worse (for them) because it isn't a nothingburger.
too much of the Hillary, Epstein, WikiLeaks, etc was dumped all at once... then everyone would 'redump' the same old stuff, anytime then noticed a poart of it THEY had not personally seen yet, bundled together with no new info or guidance but with all of the other stuff 'for completeness' and hype it up as if it was something new over and over until anything related to it was blown off as a 'nothing burger, already knew that' meanwhile nothing of substance in it was really talked about by normies.
Drip is absolutely the right way. Death by 1000 cuts. One big dump would just allow them to easily bury it in the news cycle. This way it is constantly shifting the zeitgeist. They did the same thing to us with endless investigations against Trump, but this is 20x worse (for them) because it isn't a nothingburger.
too much of the Hillary, Epstein, WikiLeaks, etc was dumped all at once... then everyone would 'redump' the same old stuff, anytime then noticed a poart of it THEY had not personally seen yet, bundled together with no new info or guidance but with all of the other stuff 'for completeness' and hype it up as if it was something new over and over until anything related to it was blown off as a 'nothing burger, already knew that' meanwhile nothing of substance in it was really talked about by normies.