A belief is a belief, none are "harder" or "softer".
Imagine millions of kids being told by their parents that they'll "get fat" if they eat such and such. And the parents learned this from a bunch of well-meaning but badly educated doctors that this is the case.
Now these kids and adults eat their "guilty pleasures", feeling badly, worried, guilty each time they eat such-and-such food or snack that they KNOW "isn't good for them" and that they KNOW "will go to their thighs/arse/gut" etc.
Your body is smart enough to take-in only that which it needs and eliminate the rest. But it loses its way with the energy-signature you ingest the food with -> guilt/worry/fear/concern is a nasty heavy energy and this is what your food is tainted with when these thoughts/feelings are entertained while eating.
Not trying to be a jerk, and I know the power of the mind is stronger than many believe. I don't think it is strong enough to overcome heavily processed foods with artificial ingredients.
You can overcome poisons when you reach the pinnacle of self-realization. But I wouldn't recommend that to 99.999999% of the population.
The general population underestimates the power of their mind by kajillions of times.
Mind is the primary causative factor in all of life's endeavors and events. But the populace is brainwashed and indoctrinated to be entirely unconscious to it. Hence all the "zombie apocolypse" movies.
Fear/Worry/Concern is your main adversary.
One's "outer reality" is a mirror reflection of one's "inner reality".
Thus, if you BELIEVE heavily processed foods and artificial ingredients are "harmful", you will indeed EXPERIENCE what your inner reality (thoughts) suggest.
It's not "seeing is believing", but rather "believing is seeing".
Nothing can harm you...unless you BELIEVE/THINK it can.
So that is the obesity epidemic? People just don't believe hard enough?
A belief is a belief, none are "harder" or "softer".
Imagine millions of kids being told by their parents that they'll "get fat" if they eat such and such. And the parents learned this from a bunch of well-meaning but badly educated doctors that this is the case.
Now these kids and adults eat their "guilty pleasures", feeling badly, worried, guilty each time they eat such-and-such food or snack that they KNOW "isn't good for them" and that they KNOW "will go to their thighs/arse/gut" etc.
Your body is smart enough to take-in only that which it needs and eliminate the rest. But it loses its way with the energy-signature you ingest the food with -> guilt/worry/fear/concern is a nasty heavy energy and this is what your food is tainted with when these thoughts/feelings are entertained while eating.
Not trying to be a jerk, and I know the power of the mind is stronger than many believe. I don't think it is strong enough to overcome heavily processed foods with artificial ingredients.
You can overcome poisons when you reach the pinnacle of self-realization. But I wouldn't recommend that to 99.999999% of the population.
The general population underestimates the power of their mind by kajillions of times.
Mind is the primary causative factor in all of life's endeavors and events. But the populace is brainwashed and indoctrinated to be entirely unconscious to it. Hence all the "zombie apocolypse" movies.
Fear/Worry/Concern is your main adversary.
One's "outer reality" is a mirror reflection of one's "inner reality".
Thus, if you BELIEVE heavily processed foods and artificial ingredients are "harmful", you will indeed EXPERIENCE what your inner reality (thoughts) suggest.
It's not "seeing is believing", but rather "believing is seeing".