Vaxxident by vaxed truck driver takes out cars and motorcycles:
Mother who got vaccine days before has first seizure experience while driving on a highway!
Vaxxident by vaxed truck driver takes out cars and motorcycles:
Mother who got vaccine days before has first seizure experience while driving on a highway!
Yah, scary. Not traveling by road for the next year (at least).
Last week, our little town had a huge accident. We have one highway running thru town. It was 1 in the afternoon, perfect visibility, 5-6 cars stopped at a red light going north (about the same on the other side going south).
An 18-wheeler coming up on the stop light, never slowed and plowed into the 5-6 northbound cars. Both big rig and several cars flipped, flew and landed all over. It was bad. As far as I know, no one died, but are in the hospital. People were bleeding from heads, ears and eyes, that was just what was visible. All were older folks.
Clot shot? My first choice, but will prolly never know.