Well, the JFK assassination file, in terms of establishment protection, ranks higher.
They don't want us to know about the Presidential UFO File gone missing to Military Industrial Complex Corporations.
The media ignoring the first few Twitter files is ok. But this….. it’s getting a bit obvious right now. Everyone in media is on Twitter and they can see the trending bit zero comments about the chomo Death Star that Twitter Twitter was? Lulz
Well, the JFK assassination file, in terms of establishment protection, ranks higher. They don't want us to know about the Presidential UFO File gone missing to Military Industrial Complex Corporations.
Slow drip -> Flood
The media ignoring the first few Twitter files is ok. But this….. it’s getting a bit obvious right now. Everyone in media is on Twitter and they can see the trending bit zero comments about the chomo Death Star that Twitter Twitter was? Lulz
Crawl before you walk. Covid = election fraud. Censorship = election fraud. Gotta “build the case” for the normies to follow along