Are we there yet?
Dissent is equated to violence
Media is controlled
The legal system is co-opted by the state
Power is exerted to quash dissent
State police protect the regime, not the people
Rights—financial, legal, and civil—are contingent on compliance
Mass conformity of beliefs and behaviors is demanded
Power is concentrated in inner ring of elite institutions and people
Semi-organized violence is permitted (in some cases)
Propaganda targets enemies of the state regime
Entire classes singled out for persecution
Extra-legal actions are condoned against internal regime opponents
Harsh legal enforcement against unfavored classes
Private and public levers of power are used to enforce adherence to state dogmas
I'm actually not comfortable with the situation being so bad that the military has to be involved. In fact, I find that particular part of the plan (if it is what I think it is) to be extremely suspicious.
This is assuming the country is in shambles and the military has to step in and quell riots and a rampaging populace.
This to me is eerily similar to Order from Chaos or Ordo Ab Chao which is a Freemason term. Also identical to Agenda2030 and the New World Order.
For the system to be "reborn" or "reset", they need to cause a collapse. Currencies collapsing which would cause the "need" for a digital on world currency, digital ID etc.
Now if on the other hand the plan is to have military in the streets because there is a blackout and politicians are being arrested....Well then, quick proof of that I would be very comfortable lol
That’s what I take it to mean (your last paragraph).