Kash Patel Asks Why Isn’t Elon Musk
Releasing the FBI Emails and DHS Contact
Documents with Twitter?
Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird, 12/13/2022 4:33:31 PM
Former House Intelligence Committee lead investigator Kash Patel appeared on Steve Bannon’s podcast to discuss the Twitter Files. {Direct Rumble Link} Within the interview Mr. Patel asks the obvious question: Why are we not seeing the document trail where the FBI is making contact with Twitter? The contacts are noted within the Twitter File release, but the specific methods, people and documents or email requests from the U.S. government into Twitter are not being released. Kash Patel asks Elon Musk to release these documents and asks why are we not seeing them? WATCH:
Simple answer to this one, at least?
Probably because of legal issues.
More complex answer? They probably made a form of deal that encompassed these files in exchange for not stopping it with the national security bullshit.
And to be clear that isn't a shot against Elon, either. You take the wins you can get, even if you have to lose something to get there. That's what we say when we lose 500 times anyway.
It IS however a shot against the deep state for doing this to begin with, and if I believe Kash truly is on our side he's asking this question to point out that there is more to this that we are not seeing to make us further question how deep the federal government hooks are.