This whole report is MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. There was a negligible difference in traffic deaths between vaxxed/unvaxxed in their study. The stats they compiled show this VERY SMALL difference between those involved in auto accidents:
Vaxxed: .00053 %
Unvaxxed: .00093 %
Additionally, they admit that THEY TRACK PEOPLE AND INVADE THEIR MEDICAL PRIVACY. See below:
Vaccination StatusWe identified individuals using encrypted identifiers from official government registries.
We included adults age 18 years or more on July 31, 2021 to ensure that each was eligible for a regular driver's license and a COVID vaccine.
This population-based approach was fully comprehensive, with the exception of excluding cases marked as invalid, containing faulty identifiers, or missing a birthdate.
COVID vaccination status was based on the COVAXON database, with further details on product (manufacturer), date of first dose (earlier or later), and completeness (1 or 2 doses).
This was done way back in July of 2021.
They should update these numbers to bring it current to DECEMBER 2022.
They will have to remove ALL OF THE NEW DEATHS FROM THE VACCINATED GROUP and see if their traffic accidents went up before they died. Especially, if they took a booster shot or two.
The ones who died from the VAX would be the ones who are the "CONTROL GROUP" NOT the ones who have been unvaxed vs vaxed...this is a "moronic" study...and as the title suggest "The American Journal of Medicine has now trashed their credibility FOR ALL TIME" is VERY true...
Great Observation...
"You can fool people SOME of the time, BUT NOT all the people" for some reason comes to mind!!!
I read the report.
This whole report is MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. There was a negligible difference in traffic deaths between vaxxed/unvaxxed in their study. The stats they compiled show this VERY SMALL difference between those involved in auto accidents:
Vaxxed: .00053 %
Unvaxxed: .00093 %
Additionally, they admit that THEY TRACK PEOPLE AND INVADE THEIR MEDICAL PRIVACY. See below:
Vaccination Status We identified individuals using encrypted identifiers from official government registries.
We included adults age 18 years or more on July 31, 2021 to ensure that each was eligible for a regular driver's license and a COVID vaccine.
This population-based approach was fully comprehensive, with the exception of excluding cases marked as invalid, containing faulty identifiers, or missing a birthdate.
COVID vaccination status was based on the COVAXON database, with further details on product (manufacturer), date of first dose (earlier or later), and completeness (1 or 2 doses).
This was done way back in July of 2021.
They should update these numbers to bring it current to DECEMBER 2022.
They will have to remove ALL OF THE NEW DEATHS FROM THE VACCINATED GROUP and see if their traffic accidents went up before they died. Especially, if they took a booster shot or two.
The ones who died from the VAX would be the ones who are the "CONTROL GROUP" NOT the ones who have been unvaxed vs vaxed...this is a "moronic" study...and as the title suggest "The American Journal of Medicine has now trashed their credibility FOR ALL TIME" is VERY true...
Great Observation...
"You can fool people SOME of the time, BUT NOT all the people" for some reason comes to mind!!!