posted ago by MatildaJ ago by MatildaJ +76 / -0

I’ve always imagined that the above line from Q was aimed at those that have thwarted We The People over a multiple of policies. The election theft, Russia, Russia, Russia etc. meant we were going to see Democrats, RINOs, NGOs, Gates, Fauci etc.,afraid to show their faces.

With Elon Musk exposing the LIES of Fauci and now De Santis calling for a GRAND JURY into the vaccines etc. I think it will be the MEDICAL PERSONNEL, Judges, Teachers, Police etc and of course Fauci and Gates ., that went rogue and forced these vaccines on an INNOCENT population, will be rounded up and charged. The excuse of ‘we were following orders’ will not cut it. Remember! Those doctors etc. that pushed these vaccines with huge monetary rewards for them had just as much information available to them about the vaccines as the thousands of doctors that sounded the alarm.