Is Qanon in the room with you now? They are going crazy labelling everything about execution! If the truth gets you executed, then that's not on me, but them.
🧠 These people are stupid!

You had better pass word to Victoria Nuland who admitted these were real when being questioned by the Senate Foreign Relation Committee hearing on Ukraine on March 08, 2022.
Fake news is gonna fake.
Beat me to it. ANyone on Twitter feel free to link this to that bitch: https://thewashingtonstandard.com/treasonous-pentagon-admits-theyve-been-funding-46-biolabs-in-ukraine-for-defense/
Look at the framing even in the headline - oh, those 'defensive' bioweapon labs that all just so happen to be in a destabilized nation bordering your largest and most dangerous political rival.
Were the soviet nuke missiles based in cuba all aimed north defensive as well?
That we've given 'aid' to amounting to about $500B in about 10 months
(Whose wife just went von a shopping spree in Paris again?)
And his parents bought a new house with all this cash they seem to have now. Crazy how it worked out that way.
The Pentagon also corroborated this explicitly in a press release that seemed designed to shift the blame onto contractors. They admitted there are 40+ biolabs in Ukraine operating under the DTRA, which technically falls under the Pentagon, but they are not run by the military.
It’s always a bit shocking how badly the legacy media lies when they don’t want to admit an inconvenient truth. You would think there would be some sort of repercussions for knowingly lying. They just spin fantasy out of thin air over and over and over.
The US military flat out said these labs exist. They put it in print and released it to the press. And yet this “journalist” says it’s a conspiracy theory.
This has gotta be related to that Obama repeal of the propaganda laws. The press feels safe lying, if the CIA is telling them too. The CIA does not want the military to tell the truth about the labs.
Now imagine all the lies they have told before Q and Trump woke us up. For decades. Think about WMD in Iraq. They likely all knew it was bullshit and lied anyway because they were told to. Think about Vietnam war. JFK. Reagan assassin attempt. 9/11. Elections! Who covers and calls elections? Who has the numbers on their screens to show the people? ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox. It’s all just fake.
People always assumed the press would get in trouble for knowingly blatantly lying. Like there is a rule against it. Or some sort of enforcement mechanism. “They can’t just lie they will get in trouble.”
No, they won’t. And they have been knowingly lying for generations.
The repercussions are, that they arent believed any longer. And moreover, that they are known to be reliably unreliable. That if you invert a story that is repeated ad nauseum across the fake-news spectrum, you probably have more than a few kernels of occluded truths in the result.
It might not be much, and it might not be widespread, but at least its something.
And the discussion around lying about the clotshot and killing people by the million with these broadcast falsehoods is a whole nother kettle of fish. You dont just let millions of murders slide, you go biblical.