It’s simple. They are the only entity of government that managed to remain untainted by communism. Even the general military at large has been poisoned. They are the last ones left.
In December 2020 the Biden transition team was refused briefing on all ongoing special operations missions. And they still have not been briefed. Somehow, the media made the mistake actually of reporting that.
Due to their secretive nature, selection process, and isolated command structure, they have been able to avoid the infection of new world order corruption that has taken over the entire federal government.
As for killing people in the US, they are last in line. The ATF, FBI, and cops seem to have the monopoly when it comes to shooting US citizens.
"communism" is just a red herring. they work for whoever will give them a paycheck in exchange for opportunities to indulge their need to kill, destabilize, and generally provide them with the feelz that they are part of a "elite warrior tradition". its just another form of mkultra, many according to kay griggs are in fact degenerate alcoholic homosexuals ("spartan tradition")
It’s simple. They are the only entity of government that managed to remain untainted by communism. Even the general military at large has been poisoned. They are the last ones left.
In December 2020 the Biden transition team was refused briefing on all ongoing special operations missions. And they still have not been briefed. Somehow, the media made the mistake actually of reporting that.
Due to their secretive nature, selection process, and isolated command structure, they have been able to avoid the infection of new world order corruption that has taken over the entire federal government.
As for killing people in the US, they are last in line. The ATF, FBI, and cops seem to have the monopoly when it comes to shooting US citizens.
"communism" is just a red herring. they work for whoever will give them a paycheck in exchange for opportunities to indulge their need to kill, destabilize, and generally provide them with the feelz that they are part of a "elite warrior tradition". its just another form of mkultra, many according to kay griggs are in fact degenerate alcoholic homosexuals ("spartan tradition")