posted ago by catsfive ago by catsfive +26 / -1

Spare me the feigned intellectual curiosity. You’re here to convince, convert/recruit and reaffirm your beliefs, nothing more.

I’m very familiar with Q and the Devolution theory. I followed all the Q drops in real time, starting about two weeks after the first drop, and moved on after Biden’s inauguration. I frequently discussed the posts and all the digs on the chans, ATS, the Q Reddit sub and VOAT.

For a good while, it was extremely interesting. It was a lot of fun to participate in. It was responsible for some amazing cooperative research and discussion. There were some really intelligent people involved and, frankly, I think we got more quality info out of the associated research and discussion than we did the actual drops.

The thing is, though, I tried to maintain some objectivity throughout the whole thing. From the get, I was open to several possibilities, as far as who Q was and what the purpose of the drops were. Some nefarious, some not.

Maybe it’s legit?

Maybe it’s a psyop to keep anons complacent and pacified?

Maybe it’s a psyop to provoke anons when “the plan” doesn’t happen?

Maybe it’s a psyop to paint Trump supporters as loons?

Maybe it’s a Scavino PR op to keep Trump supporters from becoming disillusioned with spygate etc and to build a stronger base for 2020?

Maybe it’s Ron Watkins and/or his dad trying to wake people up to some very real truths but using what amounts to a LARP to get people’s attention?

Maybe it’s someone attempting to lay out “the plan” as a possible roadmap to encourage Trump to cross the Rubicon?

Maybe it’s a supercomputer or AI?

I really was open to a number of possibilities. Still am. The only one I’m really ruling out at this point is Q actually being legit, as far as “the plan” goes. There was definitely some truth in a lot of those drops but “the plan” isn’t on that list.

Early on, there were always some true believers but the majority of the people were just intrigued and enjoyed the digging. For the most part, their enjoyment of what was happening didn’t depend on “the plan” being legit. They knew some of the info in the drops was real and they knew a lot of the info being researched and shared was real.

As time went on, and more drops didn’t add up with events but the numbers of people following along was steadily growing, a lot of those earlier people moved on. They were replaced by the morons and the cultists. The quality of discussion declined, as did the research and objectivity. The “proofs” got more schizo and grifters started trying to capitalize on the popularity of the “great awakening”. It turned into a bit of a circus.

At this stage in the game, 2 years after inauguration, the majority of the people who are still in the Q game are delusional, unable to admit to themselves that they got played, cultists who act like “trusting the plan” is an article of faith, and/or people who have just come too far with the whole Q thing and can’t back out now.

It’s kind of sad. Some of these people have attached their whole identity to Q and have alienated themselves from friends and family members because of it. It’s been pretty interesting to watch, really. Extremely comparable to the branch covidians and their inability to come back to reality after biting so hard on the narrative.

So, no. I’m not looking for greatawakening.win. Objectivity and critical examination aren’t welcome there, which is a large part of why the Q recruitment drives aren’t welcome here.

Copy/paste whatever you want in response. I have nothing else to say and I’ve read more than my share of Q mental gymnastics. It was interesting…years ago. I’m more than over it.