Twitter is full of people dooming over the Trump cards!
- N C S W I C -
Unfortunately it looks like GAW is too. Stop for just a moment and read the Art of War! We are at war. This is the fog. I am sure this will help explain a lot. Be patient and keep watch! Love from TheGr8🎃
Hey, he duped the media, made a bunch of pedes happy buying the nfts and made a few bucks he will probably give away. Dude knows how to brand.
Who gives a shit about the cards? Clearly that wasn't his big announcement, when he came out with his actual big announcement about his plan to protect free speech later the same day. The bleating sheep on the right are an embarrassment!
Forgive them for they know not what they do. The enemy has done a great job of infiltrating the minds of we the people for a long time.
you should see gab.........
Cozy af
He also introduced the concept of the digital wallet to many, since you could only purchase them through one. At a time when he knows the DS is going to be pushing CBDC government controlled digital currency on the masses, I believe he's opening up some eyes to a way to preserve wealth as the dollar and Central Bank fail.
When DJT announces his new chain of fried chicken outlets, it will be time to doom.
No, it will be time to buy a bunch of buckets and throw a Patriot Party. We can laugh at the lefties while we enjoy the world's greatest fried chicken.
After the Dip comes the Rip