18 Aquarium, you say? posted 2 years ago by tool 2 years ago by tool +18 / -0 https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/aquadom-berlin-es-hoerte-sich-an-als-fuhr-eine-u-bahn-direkt-unter-unserem-stockwerk-a-5452f05b-ab76-4ca4-9afc-5f8f90ae05ea https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/aquadom-in-berlin-einige-dutzend-fische-lebend-in-geplatztem-aquarium-gefunden-und-gerettet-a-26d731e7-1ab2-49cc-a8ff-f032478dc46d 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
It looked like it said almost all died, before the adblocker scold came up.
What a tragedy. I used to have 10 aquariums.
I know the addiction :) Currently have 5 on the go - 2 more in the garage. At some point they'll all be running lol.
Much respect. Cichlids were my favorites.