If you ever get the urge to doom....Just think of how far ahead this community of frens are! The normies basically just entered 2017!!
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Put another shrimp on the Barbie?
When you and your mates watch Aussie Rules Foitball don’t you have a bit of a soggy sao?
Meat pies is what they crave. Lots of beer. They usually get a brewery to sponsor them every Summer. The last being Perth Brewery in Ontario, Canada.
Nice reference there,fren.
Ewwwww..... Soggy biscuit or soggy SAO. Not good!
and pass me another VB (Victoria Bitter).
Little know fact: the Korean language does not have a natural "v" sound, so they usually pronounce an English V as a B.
For a Korean, if they want a Victoria Bitter, they ask for a BB. or "Beebee".
Now you know.