I remember work being satisfying and fun. You worked hard, but it was manageable. After Ronald Reagan, going to work was like getting hit by a train. Everything became worse with Reagan.
He also closed mental institutions so you had homeless crazy people, he got rid of the old air traffic controllers and planes started falling from the sky and he enriched the rich, saying they "TRICKLE DOWN MONEY".
Some would Argue that he was replaced after the assassination attempt and that there was a good and a bad Reagan…
sure why not, we'll never know either way.
Well, quite to the contrary we will know eventually....It took 60 years for 13000 classified JFK files to make it to the public but they did come out.
I remember work being satisfying and fun. You worked hard, but it was manageable. After Ronald Reagan, going to work was like getting hit by a train. Everything became worse with Reagan.
Ronald Reagan at the Bohemian Grove: https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/i?id=eebaf0c5ac9efa3772924c6559ec88aeadd4d181-3557494-images-thumbs&n=13
He also closed mental institutions so you had homeless crazy people, he got rid of the old air traffic controllers and planes started falling from the sky and he enriched the rich, saying they "TRICKLE DOWN MONEY".
he was a fraud. just like all the low-level dimwits the elites appoint over us.