Are you at all concerned this will somehow turn around on us, and end up with them coming after us for our blood ? I know this sounds super zombie apocalypse like. But I’m genuinely wondering if they will try to force some of us to help use our blood to cover up their dirt. I think I’m being paranoid.
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came gere to say 2A
God Bless this place
I highly doubt it, they've already started dying off, and in the next two years we will probably start seeing mass burials in other countries that coincide with their Forced Mass Vaxxxing, but here, in the States, we will see places where they'll have like lots of funerals happening daily, like way more than normal, and for an extended period of time....
How Long, and how many is the only question....
But they can try to come at us, I had a talk with my guns, and they're tired of being cleaned for no reason at all, and it's been decades since I got the opportunity to shoot a live moving target, so, groundhogs beware....