How The Spike Protein Affects The Brain
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Thank you very much for this link. This is the part of the vaxx research that has lagged other research, and I'm glad to be able to add this preliminary article to my massive file. I think everyone is beginning to notice uncharacteristic behavioral changes in family, friends, or just people we associate with on a casual basis...and this may provide some insight into why. reality, that may the the underlying factor for the entire charade...
...kill off the weak, leaving the stronger alive, but under mind control....
If you want some good material on covid's effects on the brain, find some articles or interviews by Dr. Peter Breggin. He is a very awake psychiatrist and has a ton of interviews online...he is a good Christian man and is good friends with Dr. McCullough and has wonderful information. He is currently being sued by Dr. Malone.
Thanks...any idea why he's being sued by Malone?
Never mind -- just found this article:
This seems really strange...
I know a vaccinated friend who has experienced one TIA and is still experiencing brain fog. Used to be a fine musician, now is a mediocre one and has trouble remembering lyrics.
...that would be so unspeakably nightmarish...
Well it is. Just Friday night he and I were playing at a Christmas party, and he seemed for awhile like his old self, but toward the end (maybe one hour) he was beginning to flag and lose focus again. It's frustrating. I learned a LOT of music and guitar techniques from him, and it's sad to see that he's now not as accomplished as he once was. His wife and a few other musicians we play with have noticed it too, and it's just sad.
...reality arrives dressed in somber attire...
The brain is still very complicated So much has been learned in the last 20 years. But no one survives without one.
...I see examples daily that would make me question your observation...
...wags tail sarcastically.....
The neurological symptoms listed in the article are almost identical to Lyme disease when the bacteria colonize in the CNS.
Brain fog and psychosis are very troublesome. I would fly into a rage for no reason - at least as far as normal people were concerned. In reality, the lyme bacteria was causing my brain to be inflamed which in turn would cause panic attacks, rage, inky black depression. My thinking was very muddled.
I would lose words. One day I was trying to describe the color of something. The color was one of the basic 8. It was warm, bright, joyous. I could see it in my mind, but I had no idea what it was called. The word I was looking for was yellow, but it was just gone from my vocabulary.
My spelling became messed up. The word believe turned into belivieveier. I never use to have issues with this prior to Lyme. Even though I am much better now, I think that the bacteria caused some brain damage that has not healed, yet. Issues with spelling and word searching still remain though to a much lesser degree.
If your family members are dealing with this from a psychosis standpoint, they may not even be aware of the fact that they are perceiving reality falsely. Until I was diagnosed, I only had occasional inklings that something was amiss.
Dr. Elizabeth Eads was interviewed on Watchdog USA by Greg Hunter. She has recommended Chlorine dioxide for some years for lyme. Also helps other autoimmune diseases.
Thanks. Ivermectin made a big difference for me. Stress management was a big factor as well. Cleared away many volunteering and social obligations. Now I am very choosy about what I allow into my life. 😊
..wonderful addendum...
God bless you for sharing your experiences...
...I am certain that someone will be helped by your story.....
Was the article saying that cvd & the vaxx can cause these issues? I'm seeing some saying that cvd doesn't exist or that it was/is a manmade virus. I'd really like to know which is true.
...see today's Unleashed Special Edition....