The PARENTS had a chance to protect their children by voting for policies that would benefit their children/grandchildren. They chose globalists agenda, personality politics and scams that even a little research can tell you that you CANNOT control the weather from some unelected swill’s office living thousands of miles away. Until there is a new energy discovered, you cannot rip out the proven resources that have not just given us all a roof over our heads, but millions upon millions are being lifted in 3 world countries out of poverty. Coal is cheap. Wind power and solar cannot supply the base loads even to produce these green energies. General Winter is going to cost many little ones their lives because they chose to support a drug addled despot that cares nothing of the Ukraine people and more at home shooting a vogue magazine front page.
Then there is the VAX with parents, virtue signalling to their peers, have put their own children into a situation where it could kill them or maim them for life. Of yes the ‘mother’ states. We thought putting OUR daughter forward to be a Guinea pig in an untested VAX trial was being righteous. Look at their little daughter now - and there are many, many, parents that did the same thing! Their children should be removed. How are they going to explain to their child when she is an adult - if she survives. You would think someone with their education would do some research - or were they like other useful idiots that just believed their government. Commonsense should tell you that you should not take an experimental drug that hasn’t been APPROVED!!
There is mounting evidence of vax injuries right across the world. Funeral directors, many have been silenced, are reporting abnormally high deaths - much higher than previous years and it has nothing to do with covid which was seen in the vulnerable. Young healthy teens (mainly males) with heart attacks. Look at the sporting fraternity! One dr that reported on what is happening to the lungs said that the VAX contains microscopic? which ends up in the heart/lungs. If you lay the lungs out, the tissue is so fine that it can cover a playing field!! These tiny - he described it as slithers of glass - make their way around the lungs and into the heart where under exertion shreds the heart or lungs. How many top athletes and young players have we seen die in front of their teammates? It’s heartbreaking! The globalist agenda is spawned in hell. Anyone with an ounce of sense can see the destruction of the West and the EU is a hairs width away and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Remember what Klaus Swaab WEF said. ‘You’ll own NOTHING and be happy’.
I think he will go, and he will be safe. Experience the good news and stop trying to bring it down.
There’s NOTHING good about the EU.
Except for the good people and children that are trapped there.
The PARENTS had a chance to protect their children by voting for policies that would benefit their children/grandchildren. They chose globalists agenda, personality politics and scams that even a little research can tell you that you CANNOT control the weather from some unelected swill’s office living thousands of miles away. Until there is a new energy discovered, you cannot rip out the proven resources that have not just given us all a roof over our heads, but millions upon millions are being lifted in 3 world countries out of poverty. Coal is cheap. Wind power and solar cannot supply the base loads even to produce these green energies. General Winter is going to cost many little ones their lives because they chose to support a drug addled despot that cares nothing of the Ukraine people and more at home shooting a vogue magazine front page.
Then there is the VAX with parents, virtue signalling to their peers, have put their own children into a situation where it could kill them or maim them for life. Of yes the ‘mother’ states. We thought putting OUR daughter forward to be a Guinea pig in an untested VAX trial was being righteous. Look at their little daughter now - and there are many, many, parents that did the same thing! Their children should be removed. How are they going to explain to their child when she is an adult - if she survives. You would think someone with their education would do some research - or were they like other useful idiots that just believed their government. Commonsense should tell you that you should not take an experimental drug that hasn’t been APPROVED!!
There is mounting evidence of vax injuries right across the world. Funeral directors, many have been silenced, are reporting abnormally high deaths - much higher than previous years and it has nothing to do with covid which was seen in the vulnerable. Young healthy teens (mainly males) with heart attacks. Look at the sporting fraternity! One dr that reported on what is happening to the lungs said that the VAX contains microscopic? which ends up in the heart/lungs. If you lay the lungs out, the tissue is so fine that it can cover a playing field!! These tiny - he described it as slithers of glass - make their way around the lungs and into the heart where under exertion shreds the heart or lungs. How many top athletes and young players have we seen die in front of their teammates? It’s heartbreaking! The globalist agenda is spawned in hell. Anyone with an ounce of sense can see the destruction of the West and the EU is a hairs width away and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Remember what Klaus Swaab WEF said. ‘You’ll own NOTHING and be happy’.