Now if we are to wait till all of the propaganda is completely dismantled that's an entire different thing, maybe in 10 years or so?
That's the only way to win this war, that is an info war. A 5GW. Ten years? We just took over Twitter. It won't take that long.
but that's about it, I've been seeing this for years.
Where we are now compared to where we were 7 years ago, is not even in the same realm of reality anymore. What the general population knows now and what has happened is so revealing, it still amazes me how people can say things like that. The only think I can assume is you're not paying attention. People blindly demanding justice usually aren't. Why it has to happen this way. Many are still asleep and the only way to wake them up is nightmares.
I'm not shaming people for demanding justice. I'm shaming people for not paying attention to what's going on then having the nerve to demand things that are clearly ahead of schedule. Not much better than the Foxtards thinking they got it all figured out yet they support DeSantis over Trump. Frankly, I've been trying to explain this for years to people and I don't have patience for it anymore. Shaming tends to work better than explaining it calmly. Just first hand experience, dealing with people that are still asleep yet think they know what's going on.
It's just tough to keep my head up when I see good people getting arrested for nothing, criminals getting released, vax pressure about to resume full force over here, and all the "good news" we can muster is a sick burn some leftist got on twitter...
The righteous always suffer and the weak are slaughtered. It's been that way since the beginning of time on this planet because the dark lords have either ruled or tainted this rock in one way or another. It's brutal but it makes us stronger. The constant disappointment anneals you. Makes you wiser. The culling thins the heard and makes us stronger. All the while, we march forward, small victory after small victory, against a ruthless ancient enemy.
Do not despair. We are doing well considering the nemesis we face. You will have your justice but against such a dangerous entity, no mistakes can be made and the timing must be perfect. Steel yourself against these false hopes and unrealistic request and focus on mentally and physically preparing for the battles that lie ahead.
The best is yet to come but context is key. I'm enjoying this war more than most because I remember where we were, what they had planned for us, what should have been, and where we are now. It is possible to enjoy this war with me but you must have the right mindset and understanding. Listening to the sheep bleat demands common of those just waking up will only serve to keep you demoralized. Focus on the leaders and warriors of the movement.
This is 5th Generation warfare. It's all psychological warfare so one must maintain constant vigilance of what info they allow in. It's not just news, it's poison and it's specifically designed to bypass your defenses. Especially the shills here masquerading as sheep. Undermining the entire operation by shifting the general conscience by constantly repeating, " nothing is happening." As Q stated numerous times: Be careful who you follow. There is a war raging and the prize is no longer some hill in Asia minor, but the hearts and minds of men.
Exactly....I imagine after the initial patriotism started to fade in the US during WW2 that folks grumbled about nothing happening? However all the while D-day and the Manhattan Project "were happening".
At the end of the day, whether I think there should be justice now or not, God is the one running the show anyway, all I can do is weather the storm the best I can.
You mean a political environment where DJT is not in charge? and in which the propagandists would not be able to call "POLITICAL PERSECUTION!!!"?
I fail to see how arresting people, if you have the goods on all of them, would be a bad thing, the propaganda machine will call foul no matter what.
Now if we are to wait till all of the propaganda is completely dismantled that's an entire different thing, maybe in 10 years or so?
I can see words being said, I can see 'CALL FOR THIS" and 'CALL FOR THAT', but that's about it, I've been seeing this for years.
Reality is neither I or you have the faintest fucking clue about whats going to happen, I just think shamming people for wanting justice is silly.
Artemis is correct.
Now if we are to wait till all of the propaganda is completely dismantled that's an entire different thing, maybe in 10 years or so?
That's the only way to win this war, that is an info war. A 5GW. Ten years? We just took over Twitter. It won't take that long.
but that's about it, I've been seeing this for years.
Where we are now compared to where we were 7 years ago, is not even in the same realm of reality anymore. What the general population knows now and what has happened is so revealing, it still amazes me how people can say things like that. The only think I can assume is you're not paying attention. People blindly demanding justice usually aren't. Why it has to happen this way. Many are still asleep and the only way to wake them up is nightmares.
I'm not shaming people for demanding justice. I'm shaming people for not paying attention to what's going on then having the nerve to demand things that are clearly ahead of schedule. Not much better than the Foxtards thinking they got it all figured out yet they support DeSantis over Trump. Frankly, I've been trying to explain this for years to people and I don't have patience for it anymore. Shaming tends to work better than explaining it calmly. Just first hand experience, dealing with people that are still asleep yet think they know what's going on.
It's just tough to keep my head up when I see good people getting arrested for nothing, criminals getting released, vax pressure about to resume full force over here, and all the "good news" we can muster is a sick burn some leftist got on twitter...
The righteous always suffer and the weak are slaughtered. It's been that way since the beginning of time on this planet because the dark lords have either ruled or tainted this rock in one way or another. It's brutal but it makes us stronger. The constant disappointment anneals you. Makes you wiser. The culling thins the heard and makes us stronger. All the while, we march forward, small victory after small victory, against a ruthless ancient enemy.
Do not despair. We are doing well considering the nemesis we face. You will have your justice but against such a dangerous entity, no mistakes can be made and the timing must be perfect. Steel yourself against these false hopes and unrealistic request and focus on mentally and physically preparing for the battles that lie ahead.
The best is yet to come but context is key. I'm enjoying this war more than most because I remember where we were, what they had planned for us, what should have been, and where we are now. It is possible to enjoy this war with me but you must have the right mindset and understanding. Listening to the sheep bleat demands common of those just waking up will only serve to keep you demoralized. Focus on the leaders and warriors of the movement.
This is 5th Generation warfare. It's all psychological warfare so one must maintain constant vigilance of what info they allow in. It's not just news, it's poison and it's specifically designed to bypass your defenses. Especially the shills here masquerading as sheep. Undermining the entire operation by shifting the general conscience by constantly repeating, " nothing is happening." As Q stated numerous times: Be careful who you follow. There is a war raging and the prize is no longer some hill in Asia minor, but the hearts and minds of men.
Exactly....I imagine after the initial patriotism started to fade in the US during WW2 that folks grumbled about nothing happening? However all the while D-day and the Manhattan Project "were happening".
Yeah I know... you're right
At the end of the day, whether I think there should be justice now or not, God is the one running the show anyway, all I can do is weather the storm the best I can.
So "you're the Mommy?