Always wondered the same thing. Are the rank and file commies just against 'Great Awakening' because its 'us'? Or do they actually want the New World Order to be implemented with everyone (including themselves) being monitored and controlled like so many ants in an ant farm? The rank and file will also be eating bugs and be limited by social credit maximums, etc., like the rest of us. Do they even realize this? The rank and file of whom I speak are not the uber wealthy that would be able to still enjoy their lives and continue with their satanic ways, but the 'neighbors' whom we see at the grocery each week, mowing their own lawns, etc. What gives?
Always wondered the same thing. Are the rank and file commies just against 'Great Awakening' because its 'us'? Or do they actually want the New World Order to be implemented with everyone (including themselves) being monitored and controlled like so many ants in an ant farm? The rank and file will also be eating bugs and be limited by social credit maximums, etc., like the rest of us. Do they even realize this? The rank and file of whom I speak are not the uber wealthy that would be able to still enjoy their lives and continue with their satanic ways, but the 'neighbors' whom we see at the grocery each week, mowing their own lawns, etc. What gives?