Lord Jesus, I plead Your hand of rest, comfort, protection, refreshment of strength and energy for those who love and fear and serve You, those who have been fighting long and hard for truth, justice, freedom for others and themselves and who feel as though they have been banging their heads against a wall and achieving no results. Bring convictions and softening of hearts, remove veils from eyes and minds, unstop minds and ears and draw people to You and to desire to know and seek truth. Bring fruitful results for all the hard work. In Jesus Awesome, All Powerful and Almighty name, Amen
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I'm struggling so much right now. Feel like I don't have one person in this world. The pain is immense.
Lord Jesus, Please strengthen and give rest and refreshment to @NaturalOrder and any others in the same boat. Let them find comfort in You and friendships formed here and other places with like minded souls. In Your Almighty name, Amen
You’re not alone fren. Stay strong and courageous.
AMEN. thank you!
Reinvigorated. Now LFG.
I’m taking a stab in the dark on the abbreviation meaning but guessing it to mean Let’s Go . Am I right?
Yeup. Plus a freaking.