You recently reached out to to someone and said thanks. Or, the time before, someone reached out to you. The Great Awakening is really this Great Circle, patriots saving patriots, all over the world. If you need it, this is for you. Or, if you saved someone's circle today, THANKS. Let's GO. 🐸

I'm trying to remember the last time I felt OK. Maybe 2012? I'd just finished my last deployment and gotten married. The future seemed very bright.
I never expected everything to go so bad. I thank God every day for my wife, she keeps me going when I don't see the point, but every day seems like a fight sometimes.
OMG, a wife that stands by you? I'm so jealous.
Together we are strong. We're here for you and you're here for us.
Hope can be overrated at times, just look at things in reality, our ship is heading towards a brighter future, away from their agenda 2025, agenda 2030, their green shit deal, their wholesale mass vx depopulation program, their mass vx passport program, fake news is getting their balls kicked in everyday and more people are waking up. It's impossible to turn our ship around as on now. Even if they release a nuke somewhere, somehow, I think armies of the world knows not to get into a world wide conflict because soldiers are us, and we are awakened.
Still much more to do but I hold reality as my foundation to keep me centered.