Thankfully, I refused the jab as I knew early on that they brought in the virus to bring in the genocidal jab. Despite my pleas, some of my loved ones ran out and got the jab early on. I am praying it was saline. If you ever come across any sauce about the saline, please post! ThanQ for your encouraging words.
One last comment — I can’t understand how anyone, especially in the medical field, would even get a vaccine that was rushed for approval (usually takes 10 years) and comes with a BLANK product information sheet. A BLANK PI!?!? Unheard of before this ordeal.
I know for a fact there IS saline shots because many of the "leaders" and Fauxi who go on TV to take their "shot"'s all BS. It's saline. I believe I also read online somewhere that someone tested a vaxx vile they got and it was nothing but saline..but who knows..that article could have been BS..but it doesn't mean there isn't saline being given.
There are, however, I believe, vaxx shots that are mild...still part of big pharma's jabs..but with less harmful stuff in them. There's different levels of severity to their vaxx lots. When people input into VAERS they ask for the Lot # they were given. I believe the drug companies use these lot numbers to test different concoctions of their poison vaxxes that they dole out. They want to see which vaxxes do what. They're not supposed to be different shit in these things..but I am 100% convinced that there are.
It's also possible what your friends got were one of these milder vaxxes and not the saline..and they probably won't die from one of these either.
Although laws mean nothing to these people, medicinal testing is done with control groups where one group receives a placebo and the other receives the drug. Who knows exactly what these people have been giving to the public.
Bill Gates has openly said that if they perform their vaccination schedule properly, there will be a 10% reduction in the population. Personally, I'd be ecstatic if the real jab along with all of its boosters were forced on every single swamp member. right as Gates or Fauxi are in front of the camera and they're ready to "take their booster" for the good of America..a real patriot doctor comes and says, nurse..I'll take it from here..I have with me a fresh new booster vile..keep your vile and I'll administer my new vaccine vile directly to him(Gates or Fauxi).
You'd see any one of them jump out their seat and say.."Whoa..wait a, no, no I don't want your shot..I want it from the original nurse I had all lined up."
I guarantee you these criminals would run out of the room because they know they and their 'vaccines' are both full of shit.
Also, from what I’ve heard from those who used to work in the pharmaceutical industry, many (including nurses) treat the doctors like gods—their word is absolute and they are infallible. It’s truly disgusting.
Thankfully, I refused the jab as I knew early on that they brought in the virus to bring in the genocidal jab. Despite my pleas, some of my loved ones ran out and got the jab early on. I am praying it was saline. If you ever come across any sauce about the saline, please post! ThanQ for your encouraging words.
One last comment — I can’t understand how anyone, especially in the medical field, would even get a vaccine that was rushed for approval (usually takes 10 years) and comes with a BLANK product information sheet. A BLANK PI!?!? Unheard of before this ordeal.
I know for a fact there IS saline shots because many of the "leaders" and Fauxi who go on TV to take their "shot"'s all BS. It's saline. I believe I also read online somewhere that someone tested a vaxx vile they got and it was nothing but saline..but who knows..that article could have been BS..but it doesn't mean there isn't saline being given.
There are, however, I believe, vaxx shots that are mild...still part of big pharma's jabs..but with less harmful stuff in them. There's different levels of severity to their vaxx lots. When people input into VAERS they ask for the Lot # they were given. I believe the drug companies use these lot numbers to test different concoctions of their poison vaxxes that they dole out. They want to see which vaxxes do what. They're not supposed to be different shit in these things..but I am 100% convinced that there are.
It's also possible what your friends got were one of these milder vaxxes and not the saline..and they probably won't die from one of these either.
Although laws mean nothing to these people, medicinal testing is done with control groups where one group receives a placebo and the other receives the drug. Who knows exactly what these people have been giving to the public.
Bill Gates has openly said that if they perform their vaccination schedule properly, there will be a 10% reduction in the population. Personally, I'd be ecstatic if the real jab along with all of its boosters were forced on every single swamp member. right as Gates or Fauxi are in front of the camera and they're ready to "take their booster" for the good of America..a real patriot doctor comes and says, nurse..I'll take it from here..I have with me a fresh new booster vile..keep your vile and I'll administer my new vaccine vile directly to him(Gates or Fauxi).
You'd see any one of them jump out their seat and say.."Whoa..wait a, no, no I don't want your shot..I want it from the original nurse I had all lined up."
I guarantee you these criminals would run out of the room because they know they and their 'vaccines' are both full of shit.
ThanQ, DJT4MoreYears! I greatly appreciate your assessment!
It's because they don't do any research, and easily believe everything they're told by a "higher authority."
Also, from what I’ve heard from those who used to work in the pharmaceutical industry, many (including nurses) treat the doctors like gods—their word is absolute and they are infallible. It’s truly disgusting.