I vote we knock off the cutesy stuff and just call him Sam Fried.
We aren't required to respectfully use his full first name. He doesn't get his idiotic, affected hyphenated last name. He doesn't get cool initials, like JFK or DJT. (We have to do that with horse-gums because even her first name is too long, at five fucking syllables. :) Sam Fried is only two syllables, 33% shorter than the initials. It's all he deserves.
I vote we knock off the cutesy stuff and just call him Sam Fried.
We aren't required to respectfully use his full first name. He doesn't get his idiotic, affected hyphenated last name. He doesn't get cool initials, like JFK or DJT. (We have to do that with horse-gums because even her first name is too long, at five fucking syllables. :) Sam Fried is only two syllables, 33% shorter than the initials. It's all he deserves.
Sam Fried...needs to be. :)