Also that waste clogs the sewer system. I lived on a semi-major street that was ripped up to replace the sewer pipes because they were so clogged with waste from people throwing garbage out of their cars. Our houses were flooding in the basements.
In the 70's there was commercials educating people to not litter. We need to run them again. Make sure it includes all the visible minorities. Don't want to leave anyone out.
I have noticed that all the stores I go to now are dirty. It's become the new norm. I think the new wokesters will call any commercials about littering to be muh racist.
Woke service has become hostile towards the customer..the seething contempt when serving you. This is an English thing. In Montreal they don't misbehave. They are mostly gracious and friendly. Unilingual English are the most.likely to be indoctrinated.
Also that waste clogs the sewer system. I lived on a semi-major street that was ripped up to replace the sewer pipes because they were so clogged with waste from people throwing garbage out of their cars. Our houses were flooding in the basements.
In the 70's there was commercials educating people to not litter. We need to run them again. Make sure it includes all the visible minorities. Don't want to leave anyone out.
I have noticed that all the stores I go to now are dirty. It's become the new norm. I think the new wokesters will call any commercials about littering to be muh racist.
Woke service has become hostile towards the customer..the seething contempt when serving you. This is an English thing. In Montreal they don't misbehave. They are mostly gracious and friendly. Unilingual English are the most.likely to be indoctrinated.
Actually in my state (in the USA) - workers tend to be very nice.
It breaks your heart to see what the NWO/WEF have done.