JUST IN: In a Twitter space just now, Roger Stone stated that Lyndon B Johnson was a psychopath pill popper who had 14 people killed including John F Kennedy...
Ahhh, young grasshopper. You didn't snatch the pebble from my hands. You failed to acknowledge Roger Stone ran Nixon's campaign, and Nixon ran against JFK. So, the connections between the Stone and pebble are indeed significant.
Nixon finally won the Presidency in 1968. Roger Stone was 16 years old.
It's in Stone's biography when he worked on the Nixon campaign.
Well, he also won in 1960, except for some help from Chicago mafia.
He would have been 19 or 20 in the second Term so he worked the campaign for his second term?
It's in Stone's biography.
It was years later when stone figured it out. Some think after he and trump became friends.