If it were me making closing arguments, I would keep it simple. The judge said, you must prove A and B. We proved A & B by thus and so. They countered, but their counter arguments fail because of this and that.
Was there chain of custody on all ballots? No, therefore law violation. Hobbs cannot prove how many votes she got. The burden of proof should be on her. She cannot prove she won.
Was printing the wrong size image intentional. Yes, it cannot be done unintentionally.
They did not follow the law, therefore, this election was fraudulent and must be tossed.
Was printing the wrong size image intentional. Yes, it cannot be done unintentionally. They did not follow the law, therefore, this election was fraudulent and must be tossed.
I don't know what happened to this post. I typed it all in the box, but when I saved, part of it is in a box, and part is down below. Weird.