My church has a Saturday night service, a community that's 28 years old, that predominantly consists of people in recovery. I love going there even though I'm not recovering from anything. You can show up dressed however, and it's like walking into a love bubble, much better than the many hypocrites in the Sunday service. Anyway, one of their t-shirts (and a common theme of the community) says Hope Dealer. At first I thought, hmmm, is that a trigger for some of these folks? But no, it's just an accurate description of the community.
My church has a Saturday night service, a community that's 28 years old, that predominantly consists of people in recovery. I love going there even though I'm not recovering from anything. You can show up dressed however, and it's like walking into a love bubble, much better than the many hypocrites in the Sunday service. Anyway, one of their t-shirts (and a common theme of the community) says Hope Dealer. At first I thought, hmmm, is that a trigger for some of these folks? But no, it's just an accurate description of the community.