The Story of the Christmas Truce of 1914—and Its Eternal Message | Jon Miltimore
The British cartoonist Bruce Bairnsfather, a machine-gunner in the British army, was one of many who chronicled the Christmas Miracle of 1914, when No Man's Land was transformed into a scene of celebration.“There was not an atom of hate on either side,” Ba...
If all the soldiers lost knew the War was rich people profiting. History would have taken a different course.
..."politicians hide themselves away...
...they only started the war"....
..."why should they go out to fight?
......they leave that role for the poor"...
..."yeah".... why did they kill each other afterwards..they couldn't have gone on with the war...could have shot anyone who tried to make them fight
...victims of mind control....
Sabaton - Christmas Truce Swedish metal band Sabaton did a great song about this on their most recent album, The War To End All Wars
...powerful addendum....
"They want us divided . . ."
Your post wouldn't be the same without Adult Swim.
Christmas 1914 | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim
...ho ho howls...
The coercive Power of the State is the most deadly force in the human world.
Without coercive taxation, who would pay for aggressive wars?
Without coercive taxation, who would pay for the police state -- that fearsome, anti-life monstrosity which eventually becomes jailer and even mass-murderer of the people it supposedly protects?
Without coercive taxation, who would pay for all the other harmful actions of the state?
There is a reason Tolkien's Lord of the Rings revolves around a corrupting and fearsomely addicting Ring of Power, and that the ONLY remedy to protect against the evil of that Ring is to DESTROY the Ring forever.
We need Civil Society, not Statism. America's Founding Fathers made a strong attempt at creating a civil society, but, as the saying goes: Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades -- which is why the tiny federal government of the 1700s became the overbearing tyranny we live with today.
As many American patriots (and patriots of foreign lands as well) have told us, initiated coercion is a crime, not a viable or honest guiding principle for society.
World War I was just another false flag.