Normies can't be woken up. It's what makes a normie a normie. If they haven't woken up by now, nothing will. Their brains just can't handle the dissonance from what they perceive reality to be.
If they didn't wake up with crazy 1984 world I doubt another news release will do it. It's like telling a cult member their leader is shady and showing them a few news articles. They just shrug it off because it doesn't compute.
Normies can't be woken up. It's what makes a normie a normie. If they haven't woken up by now, nothing will. Their brains just can't handle the dissonance from what they perceive reality to be.
If normies can’t be woken up, then who is waking up? A normie is a normie until they aren’t.
If they didn't wake up with crazy 1984 world I doubt another news release will do it. It's like telling a cult member their leader is shady and showing them a few news articles. They just shrug it off because it doesn't compute.
The MSM might be able to wake a few up. A lot of boomers get their info from there still