Yes, "Germs" are fake too! Good on you. There is no such thing as a "germ" as the word is understood in modern vernacular. Bacteria are very real indeed but they aren't contagious or pathogenic. Nobody in the history of scientism has ever been able to transmit "dis-ease" from a sick to healthy person with bacteria.
Your body produces bacteria to assist you with removing or restoring temporary excess tissue.
Yep, I'm deliberately using "unicorn" for "virus" as both are mythical creatures with no basis in reality.
I'm quite definitely saying ALL VIRUSES ARE NOT REAL. They are 100% invented boogeymen and I'd be happy to demonstrate this, quite easily I might add, with the world's foremost <brainwashed> authority/expert in virology.
So you wouldn't fear getting ill from someone rubbing their "MRSA infected" skin all over you? Or tongue kissing someone with the "Marburg virus"?
Curious as to what you think causes various diseases, if viruses and germs don't exist and bacteria doesn't cause problems. Like infections? Or polio? What is causing the issues we see in people with Ebola?
I've written three giant threads already here answering all those questions in the past 3 weeks. There isn't a "one and done" answer. Briefly:
Infection is a healing process. Polio was lead-arsenate pesticide followed by DDT pesticide and included poisonous polio jabs. Ebola is formaldehyde poisoning as the Ebola river in the Congo is where all the rubber plants dump the toxic wastes from their manufacturing plants.
You realize that people still get polio, right? Long after lead-arsenate and DDT pesticides have been discontinued.
And people far away from the Congo and Ebola river have contracted Ebola. You remember that ebola outbreak in the US, right?
So does the same go for animals, too? I get the feeling that "toxins" and "pollutants" factor heavily into your explanations. Animals living far out in the wild, with no pollution around have been found to have rabies. The same with Hanta virus.
And what was causing things like syphilis back in pre-industrial times when there was very little pollution and syphilis was running rampant?
I'm curious to know what pollution was causing smallpox that we haven't had since the last case of smallpox in the 1970s.
I do. You realize that's just a name for spinal paralysis, right? Never has any "polio virus" ever been discovered. They name it "polio" when it's convenient for them to scare people. They name it "myelitis" or "ALS" or "Multiple Sclerosis" or any dozen other names when they don't want to put fear into the hearts of the citizens.
And people far away from the Congo and Ebola river have contracted Ebola. You remember that ebola outbreak in the US, right?
This is propaganda, of course. Besides, it's easy enough to poison someone with formaldehyde anywhere at anytime. I'd guess dozens of other poisons would cause similar symptoms as well.
So does the same go for animals, too? I get the feeling that "toxins" and "pollutants" factor heavily into your explanations.
Yes, animals get poisoned all the time. This is what the establishment labels "rabies" a good portion of the time. A "rabies" diagnosis is also given for animals that are malnourished or mistreated by their owners. As usual, no such thing as any "rabies virus" has ever been found. Stay tuned for my "Island of the Misfit Viruses Part 4" next Saturday, posted by AshlandDog, and you'll see my full explanation for what "rabies" really is. You do realize that nobody even COULD see a microorganism the supposed size of a unicorn virus until 1935, yes? But that didn't stop them from blaming all these different illnesses on a virus then. Well the same is true today. Nothing has changed. They still can't find any unicorn viruses but it doesn't stop them form blaming dozens of illnesses on them. It's an age-old playbook.
Animals living far out in the wild, with no pollution around have been found to have rabies.
It's simply a malnourished or badly injured/weakened animal. Check and see how they DETERMINE how the animal "has rabies" and you will see that they just look at it and declare it. There's no test for "rabies virus" because it doesn't exist. So how could anybody possibly make a determination? It's pure nonsense my friend. They don't shite about shite. They just stay stuff and pretend they know what they're talking about.
The same with Hanta virus.
Another mythical creature, much like the Leprechaun. Same story as polio, ebola, rabies, etc. Nobody has ever found such a thing --- EVER -- in nature. Because no such thing exists.
And what was causing things like syphilis back in pre-industrial times when there was very little pollution and syphilis was running rampant?
Syphilis was never said to be caused by a unicorn virus, for starters. Syphilis is caused by a sexual separation, disgust or revulsion conflict.
I'm curious to know what pollution was causing smallpox that we haven't had since the last case of smallpox in the 1970s
My latest "Island of the Misfit Viruses part 3" covers smallpox. It's just the standard separation conflict. They renamed it "pustular eczema" or "chicken pox" when it was convenient for them. It's literally just rash like eczema, psoriasis, and a whole host of other "skin dis-eases". The deaths in the late 1800s and early 1900s were due to the poisonous contents of the jabs. Same old story as today of course.
Keep your questions coming. I enjoy answering them rather than being told I'm an idiot and obviously wrong. I've spent the better part of 3 years learning all this stuff so I could answer all these questions as I learned early-on that nobody was satisfied with the irrefutable facts that virologists are unable to find/located any unicorn viruses in the real world, in a real sample. That should literally be all anybody needs to know but it doesn't even make a dent in people's beliefs as I've come to learn. Instead, they need an answer for like a dozen different illnesses allegedly caused by unicorns before they'll perk up and take notice. So keep 'em coming. This is why I write my pithy remarks in the first place - to stimulate questions!
Yes, "Germs" are fake too! Good on you. There is no such thing as a "germ" as the word is understood in modern vernacular. Bacteria are very real indeed but they aren't contagious or pathogenic. Nobody in the history of scientism has ever been able to transmit "dis-ease" from a sick to healthy person with bacteria.
Your body produces bacteria to assist you with removing or restoring temporary excess tissue.
Yep, I'm deliberately using "unicorn" for "virus" as both are mythical creatures with no basis in reality.
I'm quite definitely saying ALL VIRUSES ARE NOT REAL. They are 100% invented boogeymen and I'd be happy to demonstrate this, quite easily I might add, with the world's foremost <brainwashed> authority/expert in virology.
So you wouldn't fear getting ill from someone rubbing their "MRSA infected" skin all over you? Or tongue kissing someone with the "Marburg virus"?
Curious as to what you think causes various diseases, if viruses and germs don't exist and bacteria doesn't cause problems. Like infections? Or polio? What is causing the issues we see in people with Ebola?
I've written three giant threads already here answering all those questions in the past 3 weeks. There isn't a "one and done" answer. Briefly:
Infection is a healing process. Polio was lead-arsenate pesticide followed by DDT pesticide and included poisonous polio jabs. Ebola is formaldehyde poisoning as the Ebola river in the Congo is where all the rubber plants dump the toxic wastes from their manufacturing plants.
I promise I'll go back and read them.
You realize that people still get polio, right? Long after lead-arsenate and DDT pesticides have been discontinued.
And people far away from the Congo and Ebola river have contracted Ebola. You remember that ebola outbreak in the US, right?
So does the same go for animals, too? I get the feeling that "toxins" and "pollutants" factor heavily into your explanations. Animals living far out in the wild, with no pollution around have been found to have rabies. The same with Hanta virus.
And what was causing things like syphilis back in pre-industrial times when there was very little pollution and syphilis was running rampant?
I'm curious to know what pollution was causing smallpox that we haven't had since the last case of smallpox in the 1970s.
I do. You realize that's just a name for spinal paralysis, right? Never has any "polio virus" ever been discovered. They name it "polio" when it's convenient for them to scare people. They name it "myelitis" or "ALS" or "Multiple Sclerosis" or any dozen other names when they don't want to put fear into the hearts of the citizens.
This is propaganda, of course. Besides, it's easy enough to poison someone with formaldehyde anywhere at anytime. I'd guess dozens of other poisons would cause similar symptoms as well.
Yes, animals get poisoned all the time. This is what the establishment labels "rabies" a good portion of the time. A "rabies" diagnosis is also given for animals that are malnourished or mistreated by their owners. As usual, no such thing as any "rabies virus" has ever been found. Stay tuned for my "Island of the Misfit Viruses Part 4" next Saturday, posted by AshlandDog, and you'll see my full explanation for what "rabies" really is. You do realize that nobody even COULD see a microorganism the supposed size of a unicorn virus until 1935, yes? But that didn't stop them from blaming all these different illnesses on a virus then. Well the same is true today. Nothing has changed. They still can't find any unicorn viruses but it doesn't stop them form blaming dozens of illnesses on them. It's an age-old playbook.
It's simply a malnourished or badly injured/weakened animal. Check and see how they DETERMINE how the animal "has rabies" and you will see that they just look at it and declare it. There's no test for "rabies virus" because it doesn't exist. So how could anybody possibly make a determination? It's pure nonsense my friend. They don't shite about shite. They just stay stuff and pretend they know what they're talking about.
Another mythical creature, much like the Leprechaun. Same story as polio, ebola, rabies, etc. Nobody has ever found such a thing --- EVER -- in nature. Because no such thing exists.
Syphilis was never said to be caused by a unicorn virus, for starters. Syphilis is caused by a sexual separation, disgust or revulsion conflict.
My latest "Island of the Misfit Viruses part 3" covers smallpox. It's just the standard separation conflict. They renamed it "pustular eczema" or "chicken pox" when it was convenient for them. It's literally just rash like eczema, psoriasis, and a whole host of other "skin dis-eases". The deaths in the late 1800s and early 1900s were due to the poisonous contents of the jabs. Same old story as today of course.
Keep your questions coming. I enjoy answering them rather than being told I'm an idiot and obviously wrong. I've spent the better part of 3 years learning all this stuff so I could answer all these questions as I learned early-on that nobody was satisfied with the irrefutable facts that virologists are unable to find/located any unicorn viruses in the real world, in a real sample. That should literally be all anybody needs to know but it doesn't even make a dent in people's beliefs as I've come to learn. Instead, they need an answer for like a dozen different illnesses allegedly caused by unicorns before they'll perk up and take notice. So keep 'em coming. This is why I write my pithy remarks in the first place - to stimulate questions!