A pentagon is not necessarily evil (or good). The symbol represents knowledge and the universe (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Aether/Spirit = Five Elements). Tet rah gram mah ton (the name of God [YHWH], and a five syllable word).
This knowledge can be used for White or Black.
Guess which one is in charge at the moment.... heh.
Just a random tangent thought looking at that shot of the Pentagon from the air: 5 sides, 5 concentric rows of buildings/wings.., 5:5...
A pentagon is not necessarily evil (or good). The symbol represents knowledge and the universe (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Aether/Spirit = Five Elements). Tet rah gram mah ton (the name of God [YHWH], and a five syllable word).
This knowledge can be used for White or Black.
Guess which one is in charge at the moment.... heh.
Yes my point was that "a" pentagon is not necessarily a bad thing. Whereas I too doubt that THE Pentagon was designed by fluffy bunnies. :)