Rumors of Heads Rolling in Russia's Deep State
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You are seriously missing the point of that song if you pull that line out of context and concentrate on it.
Even the very next line adds a lot more to the meaning:
“Well maybe not the Russian bear, maybe the Swedes”
The song is from the view of a worker who is a cog in the machine doing what he is told by his masters. John on the other hand sees the truth and wants to do something about it - but is constantly being told “not now John” we’ve gotta keep doing what we are told.
Or look at this part of the song…
“Not now John, we've got to get on with the film show.
Hollywood waits at the end of the rainbow.
Who cares what it's about as long as the kids go.”
Otherwise stated-
It is all a movie.
Hollywood is controlled by fags (rainbow).
They are grooming kids.
They knew what was going on 40 years ago and we’re trying to get the word out.
This man Pink Floyds
Oh I understood what you are saying and wasn't trying to use it out of context, but maybe it appears so. The Wall is my Favorite Pink Floyd Album, followed by the Final Cut, which is probably their most political album ever. I'm going to look online to see their current political views. At the Dem National Convention they had some black celeb. butcher Whats Up with Crosby playing guitar. Axel Rose sand Civil War, but I saw him interviewed and he more or less said it was just a song...
So many Based songs by no longer Based Musicians.
By the Way Pink Floyd has always been my favorite band followed by Rush, both bands were excellent musicians with lyrics that I agree with.