All the boosted people I know are getting bad colds and a bad case of the flu constantly. I keep hearing something along the lines of they have been more sick this year then ever before.
No shit sherlock. It’s like watching a kid keep sticking a fork into an electric outlet. It’s so sad yet funny at the same time. I mean wtf frens. Clown town just keeps taking itself to the next level.
I found out on Christmas that my ex in-laws (ex because I've purged them from my life) got the vax despite my husband's very clear warnings. His back nerves are now jacked up (not sure if v-related) and she got thyroid cancer (definitely v-related). Worshipping at the throne of modern medicine is never a good idea. On top of that, they both got surgery for their issues. I have never known two people to have gone under the knife more times than these two bright bulbs. Anasthesia has a cumulative effect. He told them the cancer was from the vax. Glitch-glitch-can't compute- glitch.... they'll probably get boosters.