Did you ever consider maybe you're inserting your own desires into the equation. They've already been funding on how to incorporate mRNA into produce, they've been talking on incorporating into livestock. Stop making excuses for this shit. White hats or not they're going after all the people who had sense to not get an experimental jab, food supply has been and is main target now. This video and plenty of articles discussing this very topic is old news for some of us, wishful thinking won't save you. Start networking or self producing while you still have the chance. A good rule of thumb is it's already being talked about it's already being done on the larger scale.
My own desire is that none of this shit happens. I'm well prepared, thank you very much. What I said will end up being the silver lining, not wishful thinking. Shit will likely get fucking bad. The good thing is, once we get through it, we be better off than we are now.
Did you ever consider maybe you're inserting your own desires into the equation. They've already been funding on how to incorporate mRNA into produce, they've been talking on incorporating into livestock. Stop making excuses for this shit. White hats or not they're going after all the people who had sense to not get an experimental jab, food supply has been and is main target now. This video and plenty of articles discussing this very topic is old news for some of us, wishful thinking won't save you. Start networking or self producing while you still have the chance. A good rule of thumb is it's already being talked about it's already being done on the larger scale.
My own desire is that none of this shit happens. I'm well prepared, thank you very much. What I said will end up being the silver lining, not wishful thinking. Shit will likely get fucking bad. The good thing is, once we get through it, we be better off than we are now.
No pain no gain.
I cam tell you for a fact that's its not being done at our ranch.