We have spent the last few decades understanding the "Blue Pill Mentality", also known as the "Agent Smith Defender of The Matrix Mentality". We've seen how people react when their beliefs are challenged, and we've learned why they react so.
The "shatterpoint" has been identified. We will target one key fact, which is this: Disease = dis-ease.
People have been unable to awaken because they're afraid for their "health" and have become dependent on lies to "stay healthy".
They have been duped into believing that they "have diseases" caused by genes, bacteria, toxins, viruses - the unknown, invisible, material world.
They have been duped into believing that the "cures" for their diseases are some material things that they "take". Supplements, antibiotics, vaccines, foods, etc.
But in 2023 they will understand that disease = dis-ease.
They themselves are "not at ease" in relation to various entities in reality. How did they become this way? By being unconscious of reality and forming silly associations based on silly ideas from silly people.
The cure for dis-ease is this: notice your dis-ease.
Notice its reality at the deepest levels of perception. You can feel it in your muscles, in your heart, in your mind... if only you "Look Closer".
In 2023, all will notice their dis-ease. They will no longer blame their health symptoms on a virus or bacteria or 5G, because that is absurd.
They will learn to look and feel so deeply within themselves, that they notice that much that they concluded about the causality of the material world, was their own consciousness the whole time.
They will learn that they are not victims of a cruel material world, but CREATORS of reality. They will learn that consciousness is causal.
Yes, emotional damage and repressed intellectual dishonesty CAN and DO cause physical symptoms.
SO CAN bacteria. So can viruses (which, yes DO exist), parasites, venom, poisons in the environment and in food or water (e.g., flouride), and plenty of other things. How many people have been murdered by poison over the centuries? Yes, poison and disease organisms (many of which "work" by creating poisons) are real and so are the damage and diseases they cause.
You are not doing your readers any favors by denying the reality of disease organisms and other causes of physical dis-ease. Anyone who's picked up an intestinal parasite on a visit to, say, Mexico can tell you that having one's beliefs challenged or otherwise being made intellectually or emotionally uncomfortable is NOT the only thing that can bring on physical distress.
The "vaccines" are another good example. There is enormous and irrefutable statistical and other evidence that they cause bodily harm and death.
I am not denying the power of emotional trauma to cause problems of many types; I've posted repeatedly about the ACE Study, for example, which found (among a cohort of ~ 17,500 Kaiser Permanente members) that childhood trauma, especially when two or more traumas are involved (for example, an alcoholic parent AND a death in the family), has VERY strong and negative life-long effects (average age of the cohort was 57). Physical effects included a higher rate of smoking, of cancer, of injecting drugs, of violent behavior, of suicide attempt, of broken bones, and plenty of other things. None of that came from bacteria or viruses.
But plenty of dis-ease DOES come from disease organisms of various types. BOTH things can be and ARE true: emotional trauma (dis-ease as you put it) and pathogenic organisms both cause disease states and sometimes physical damage.
Please stop telling people otherwise.
There's zero proof that viruses exist. Nobody has ever found a virus in the real world, in nature, in all of history. They can only "manufacture" phake unicorn viruses by poisoning monkey kidney cells and calling the decayed particles "viruses" and/or assembling fragmented strands of human RNA via computer software that they fraudulently label "gene sequencing" when in fact, they are "gene assembling". The "model" unicorn virus in their gene databases were all created this way. It's pure and unabated fraud across the board.
In addition to all this, nobody has ever demonstrated dis-ease transmission from a sick to healthy person via any sort of microbe, including bacteria which actually do exist. The "experts" who spout "Koch's Postulates are antiquated" are some kind of special brainwashed to even declare such an absurdity as the postulates are rudimentary common sense that an 8th grader can understand.
And no, bacteria are not "pathogenic organisms". There's actually no such thing. Yet another giant lie perpetrated upon humanity to strike fear into our hearts.
So sorry Narg, I've scoured the papers for years and this is what they're all doing and making false claims about, having zero proof of any such virus "creature" ever been located in REALITY.
The deception runs deep. Deeper than most care to contemplate...
But hey, I'm all ears. If you think you have any proof that doesn't incorporate the above "viral culturing" or "gene sequencing" manufacturing techniques, I'm all ears. And as far as bacteria goes, injecting rodents with toxic nostrums hardly passes as "science", but is rather torture by dogmatic scientism. All their thousands of "lab experiments" using toxic jabs do not prove a thing as the supposed "contagious bacteria" do not INJECT themselves into our bloodstreams. And yes, I've seen the ludicrous "John Hopkins" tuberculosis Guiana pig study they love to hold out as proof of infectious airborne bacteria. This study can be shredded a thousands ways to Sunday for it's complete lack of anything even remotely resembling science.
So let me have it. Whadaya got that makes you so certain the germ theory is true?