See, sensible conversation is not that hard. So here is a follow up. Lets see if we can keep this conversation going.
You mentioned a list of people who you think did not design or consign the stones. So who do you think actually consigned it? Out here its common knowledge since there is a school named after his protege. I havent seen anyone else here talk about him, so curious to know who you think it is?
Could be reading comprehension issues that cause the difficulties, ya the difference between "maintain the population" and "reduce the population to"... anyhow...
I didn't mention any list of people who I think did not**design or consign the stones.
"Out here its common knowledge since there is a school named after his protege"
I will refrain from calling BS while you explain this deflection. Please do clarify where "out here" is. Interesting that just like that we went from "no one knows the name..." to "it's common knowledge". Your current claim is, by deduction, that you not only know who consigned the stones, is common knowledge after all...but you also know the designers protege since he has a school named after him. Shame on you! You could have interceded at any time over the years in any one of countless posts and just put the issue to bed...but you didn't,...and won't now either, because you don't have a clue,... Or...present your "common knowledge" and put the issue to rest. finally...
Constant animosity indicates constant insecurities. On reddit I would follow it up with a snide remark, but out here, I hate to see people with such insecurities. The more your knowledge increases the less your insecurities should be.
I didn't mention any list of people who I think did not**design or consign the stones
In your previous post:
The stones were not designed or consigned by, A. Free Masons B. Cabal C. Elite eugenicists D. Ted T E. Nazi's F. Aliens G. or a guy named RC Christian.
Okay I am getting tired of cutting and pasting your own words. Not sure if this is intentional or you have other issues. But this is the reason I asked you to reply in a simple and coherant manner, because I see you wasting people's time in cyclic arguments like this.
Please do clarify where "out here" is. Interesting that just like that we went from "no one knows the name..." to "it's common knowledge"
Out here is Melbourne. If you talk to local conspiracy theorists you will hear the rumours that an Aussie virologist called McFarlane was behind the guidestones. His protege is Nossal, whose name is carried by a prestigious school, hence the local interest.
There, now it's time for you to stop deflecting and say who you think is behind the Guidestones and why you think so.
I am giving you the benefit of doubt at this point. Consider this your final mod warning. The only answers I expect for this comment from you is:
Clarifying your statement "I didn't mention any list of people who I think did not**design or consign the stones" when you clearly did just that.
Answer without any deflection, who you think is behind that Guidestones and why you think so.
Any more deflections, changing topics, gaslighting etc will confirm that you are a shill.
"rumors are..."...Melbourne...hmmm I can provide no such credentials.
Final mod warning? Cheeze
I presented a list, could of made it much longer, of people who weren't involved in any way. No mention of what I "think" or any speculation. It's easy to know who wasn't involved knowing personally who was. Sorry, no rumors from Melbourne here to fall back on. All I have is 20 plus years living there owning and developing property...and knowing pretty much everyone else of any ilk in N. Georgia doing the same. My contention is no different today than from the day I landed here from voat or redit before that, regarding the stones. All of this you can easily find in previous comments/posts.
To me it is sad to see the calls for the stones destruction that goes (went) on here. Fear born in ignorance based on lies,...intentional fabrications and slander against a small group of people who were wise to remain anonymous. I'm guessing you don't get to North Georgia often so here is a bit of background.
The idea was born in late 77, early 78 (14 years or so before the fall of the Soviet Union for time-line perspective) in a study/discussion/prayer group (not one person) of members of a white men's Christian group affiliated with Brothers of the Rose Cross. N. Georgia was then and largely still is white Christian. The Black Knight debate had been raised again as the first gps satellite was on the pad. The "brothers" were high level and possessed "secret knowledge" of a certain looming catastrophe then only a few short generations away. They were forbidden from exposing "the coming event that nothing can stop" as well as the elite "cabals" plan for humanity (in part depop) in dealing with it. So,...they left clues. Stone because we know from history stone is the only thing that survives cataclysmic events. Multiple languages thru all of previous human history. A "Rosetta Stone". A gift to some future generation of survivors from the Christian brothers of the Rose Cross. ALL things actually written on the stones were for discovery by some future generation. There was an unwritten message for people alive today as well. All with eyes to see, would know the event unmentioned, the thing coming no one can stop, was eminent. The missing piece of the puzzle... the "why" to the urgency of the elite to decimate the earth. Not a single person. Not an elite conspiracy. Not rich billionaires either. A small group of Christian men with inside ancient knowledge of a cyclical catastrophe, conflicted,.. knowing it could never be known by the masses nor could it be prevented. So,...conscined by "RC Christian" and erected in 1980. It would be years before some dink accused the stones and their creators of being satanic. From the very start however, no organizations, masonic or otherwise supported their mission. Not even,,, AMORC,... who's silence was defining. Some brothers were ostracized and relieved of certain positions because the act was seen as a subtle disclosure of secret knowledge. The price we pay...
Today they are gone. No future generation survivor will ever find them and learn of their past from them. Of this generation, few will learn the truth of it and fewer still will make preparations. The culprits will likely never be found. It was destroyed by minions of the very elite who's depopulation agenda was exposed by it.
Be Well.
Okay, good to know that atleast when pinned by a mod, you cough up your theory, which you could have saved all our time by posting right in the beginning.
So now I have all the info I need to answer your original question:
No comment on the stones?
Interesting theory. Assuming for a second this theory is correct, these are my opinions:
All secret societies are repugnant because they hide knowledge from the humanity.
Every secret society has a lower level that does not understand who is controlling them, and that sincerely believe they are doing good.
People who reach the top of this lower level always believe they are at the highest levels of that society. This is by design. Only those who show they have the psyche suitable for Satanism will progress higher.
When a secret society forbids their enlightened members from revealing the truths that affects the rest of humanity, smart people would realise this is coming from a place of evil.
No single person or group, no matter how enlightened they think they are, have the right to decide what population limit is in perpetual balance with nature. It just shows hubris to think they know better.
Someone calling themselves "Christian" means nothing if they believe in "guiding reproduction wisely"
Whether they call themselves eugenicists or not, their proposal is the definition of eugenics.
The very idea that, after a cataclysmic event people will decide to go and read the stones (assuming the stones were not destroyed) and then say "This is exactly what we will do now" is laughably stupid.
If there is a cataclysmic event the only people who should decide what humanity should do next are the survivors. For this reason, its great that the stones are gone.
The story you are telling me is exactly what the cover would be in such a situation, to be able to make sure there is no local anger at this.
People who defer to others claiming superiority over them for whatever reasons, is the reason Humanity is in this mess.
Added 12: Regardless of the intent, the principles outlined on the guidestones were exactly what would be needed to enforce human enslavement.
Finally, probability that your theory is exactly what happened? Exactly same as all other theories out there.
See, sensible conversation is not that hard. So here is a follow up. Lets see if we can keep this conversation going.
You mentioned a list of people who you think did not design or consign the stones. So who do you think actually consigned it? Out here its common knowledge since there is a school named after his protege. I havent seen anyone else here talk about him, so curious to know who you think it is?
Whose private property was it?
Could be reading comprehension issues that cause the difficulties, ya the difference between "maintain the population" and "reduce the population to"... anyhow...
I didn't mention any list of people who I think did not**design or consign the stones. "Out here its common knowledge since there is a school named after his protege" I will refrain from calling BS while you explain this deflection. Please do clarify where "out here" is. Interesting that just like that we went from "no one knows the name..." to "it's common knowledge". Your current claim is, by deduction, that you not only know who consigned the stones, is common knowledge after all...but you also know the designers protege since he has a school named after him. Shame on you! You could have interceded at any time over the years in any one of countless posts and just put the issue to bed...but you didn't,...and won't now either, because you don't have a clue,... Or...present your "common knowledge" and put the issue to rest. finally...
Elbert county
Constant animosity indicates constant insecurities. On reddit I would follow it up with a snide remark, but out here, I hate to see people with such insecurities. The more your knowledge increases the less your insecurities should be.
In your previous post:
Okay I am getting tired of cutting and pasting your own words. Not sure if this is intentional or you have other issues. But this is the reason I asked you to reply in a simple and coherant manner, because I see you wasting people's time in cyclic arguments like this.
Out here is Melbourne. If you talk to local conspiracy theorists you will hear the rumours that an Aussie virologist called McFarlane was behind the guidestones. His protege is Nossal, whose name is carried by a prestigious school, hence the local interest.
There, now it's time for you to stop deflecting and say who you think is behind the Guidestones and why you think so.
I am giving you the benefit of doubt at this point. Consider this your final mod warning. The only answers I expect for this comment from you is:
Clarifying your statement "I didn't mention any list of people who I think did not**design or consign the stones" when you clearly did just that.
Answer without any deflection, who you think is behind that Guidestones and why you think so.
Any more deflections, changing topics, gaslighting etc will confirm that you are a shill.
"rumors are..."...Melbourne...hmmm I can provide no such credentials. Final mod warning? Cheeze
I presented a list, could of made it much longer, of people who weren't involved in any way. No mention of what I "think" or any speculation. It's easy to know who wasn't involved knowing personally who was. Sorry, no rumors from Melbourne here to fall back on. All I have is 20 plus years living there owning and developing property...and knowing pretty much everyone else of any ilk in N. Georgia doing the same. My contention is no different today than from the day I landed here from voat or redit before that, regarding the stones. All of this you can easily find in previous comments/posts. To me it is sad to see the calls for the stones destruction that goes (went) on here. Fear born in ignorance based on lies,...intentional fabrications and slander against a small group of people who were wise to remain anonymous. I'm guessing you don't get to North Georgia often so here is a bit of background. The idea was born in late 77, early 78 (14 years or so before the fall of the Soviet Union for time-line perspective) in a study/discussion/prayer group (not one person) of members of a white men's Christian group affiliated with Brothers of the Rose Cross. N. Georgia was then and largely still is white Christian. The Black Knight debate had been raised again as the first gps satellite was on the pad. The "brothers" were high level and possessed "secret knowledge" of a certain looming catastrophe then only a few short generations away. They were forbidden from exposing "the coming event that nothing can stop" as well as the elite "cabals" plan for humanity (in part depop) in dealing with it. So,...they left clues. Stone because we know from history stone is the only thing that survives cataclysmic events. Multiple languages thru all of previous human history. A "Rosetta Stone". A gift to some future generation of survivors from the Christian brothers of the Rose Cross. ALL things actually written on the stones were for discovery by some future generation. There was an unwritten message for people alive today as well. All with eyes to see, would know the event unmentioned, the thing coming no one can stop, was eminent. The missing piece of the puzzle... the "why" to the urgency of the elite to decimate the earth. Not a single person. Not an elite conspiracy. Not rich billionaires either. A small group of Christian men with inside ancient knowledge of a cyclical catastrophe, conflicted,.. knowing it could never be known by the masses nor could it be prevented. So,...conscined by "RC Christian" and erected in 1980. It would be years before some dink accused the stones and their creators of being satanic. From the very start however, no organizations, masonic or otherwise supported their mission. Not even,,, AMORC,... who's silence was defining. Some brothers were ostracized and relieved of certain positions because the act was seen as a subtle disclosure of secret knowledge. The price we pay... Today they are gone. No future generation survivor will ever find them and learn of their past from them. Of this generation, few will learn the truth of it and fewer still will make preparations. The culprits will likely never be found. It was destroyed by minions of the very elite who's depopulation agenda was exposed by it. Be Well.
Okay, good to know that atleast when pinned by a mod, you cough up your theory, which you could have saved all our time by posting right in the beginning.
So now I have all the info I need to answer your original question:
Interesting theory. Assuming for a second this theory is correct, these are my opinions:
All secret societies are repugnant because they hide knowledge from the humanity.
Every secret society has a lower level that does not understand who is controlling them, and that sincerely believe they are doing good.
People who reach the top of this lower level always believe they are at the highest levels of that society. This is by design. Only those who show they have the psyche suitable for Satanism will progress higher.
When a secret society forbids their enlightened members from revealing the truths that affects the rest of humanity, smart people would realise this is coming from a place of evil.
No single person or group, no matter how enlightened they think they are, have the right to decide what population limit is in perpetual balance with nature. It just shows hubris to think they know better.
Someone calling themselves "Christian" means nothing if they believe in "guiding reproduction wisely"
Whether they call themselves eugenicists or not, their proposal is the definition of eugenics.
The very idea that, after a cataclysmic event people will decide to go and read the stones (assuming the stones were not destroyed) and then say "This is exactly what we will do now" is laughably stupid.
If there is a cataclysmic event the only people who should decide what humanity should do next are the survivors. For this reason, its great that the stones are gone.
The story you are telling me is exactly what the cover would be in such a situation, to be able to make sure there is no local anger at this.
People who defer to others claiming superiority over them for whatever reasons, is the reason Humanity is in this mess.
Added 12: Regardless of the intent, the principles outlined on the guidestones were exactly what would be needed to enforce human enslavement.
Finally, probability that your theory is exactly what happened? Exactly same as all other theories out there.
Take care.