This is something I've been pondering on for a while, mostly since I got sick around Christmas time and haven't had much else to do other than ponder. But thanks to my excess of time, my mildly autistic mind went into overdrive. Thus, this theory was born.
The precipice isn't going to be when people wake up and see the corruption. The sheep are always going to be sheep. They're never not going to be sheeple.
Instead, I'm starting to believe the precipice is instead going to be when all the sheeple finally realize that most people with an actual opinion do NOT agree with pretty much every "acceptable opinion". Homosexuality, transgenderism, religion, politics, guns, the economy, acceptable public language, child discipline, public appearance, etiquette, etc.
Pretty much everything is part of a narrative that the sheeple get spoon fed on the daily. And they just go along with what they think is the most popular opinion. This isn't exactly a new phenomenon. Group think is well documented.
If enough people gather together, but only a small (and very vocal) minority are extremely opinionated, then the rest of the people will generally either side with them so as to fit in, or just say nothing and go with the crowd.
People LIKE fitting in. They don't like having the boat rocked. Hence, the sheeple will generally just regurgitate whatever they believe is the most popular opinion on essentially any topic.
It's the same reason why it used to be unthinkable that someone wouldn't go to Church on sunday a hundred years ago and they'd be social outcasts if they missed a Church service for an "unacceptable" reason. In reality, it's more about your relationship with God than a building, but that's a different topic so I won't go into that now.
But the point is still the same. People do stuff they think will make them fit in with those around them, even if they don't truly believe or have any real conviction. We're social creatures by nature, and we desire to be part of a group. It's why the tribal mentality tends to appear in literally everything humans participate in.
So where am I going with this? Simple.
We're not going to wake up the normies. They're going to keep being sheep, and keep bleating. BUT what they bleat will change.
As more and more people will actual conviction and opinions DO wake up, and the narrative gets harder and harder to defend, there will come a time (in the VERY near future) where the cabal's mass media complex will no longer be able to force feed lies about the majority of people anymore. This is when the precipice will finally occur.
When the gatekeepers can't keep the actually opinionated people from speaking the truth, the sheep will gradually start to either double guess themselves, or start to just parrot the "new narrative", that they're hearing from us.
Remember the "I support the current thing" meme? Yeah, that's basically what this is, but with "the current thing" being set by us. Mark my words, within a few years some of the people who were defending disney will be parroting everything Don Jr. says. Not all of them of course (some truly are lost after all), but quite a few of them.
Heck, we've already seen this happen. Look at people like Salty Cracker, or even many of our own board members here. Plenty of people on our side admit they were a rabid kenyan supporter, even up until a few years ago. But have since started to parrot basically whatever Trump says like 90% of the time. I used Salty as an example since it's someone we can easily observe and he's not outright in the Q movement.
He DOES talk about election fraud and theft, pedophilia, etc. but he also more or less parrots whatever Trump is saying 90% of the time, even on the stuff that we disagree with him on (with the notable exception of the jab).
The same is true of a lot of alt media personalities. Not everyone is a paytriot (some are obviously, but not everyone is), but a lot of them do just parrot whatever "the current thing is" for our side.
Remember Trumps "most important announcement of all time" that we all got hyped for? Yeah, prefect example of what I'm talking about.
That's basically what the white hats are doing in the background and why this is taking so long. We're basically socially engineering the sheeple back towards what we want them to be. Which if you clue in on all the Q post themes, as well as the various hints dropped by Trump and co. That's essentially the 50s-80s era Christian Nationalist patriotic American ideology and lifestyle. So not really the Andy Griffith "Oh Gee Wilikers" type of culture, where no one curses and everything in life is bleached spotlessly clean of any and all impurities. But more of the 70s and 80s romanticized era where people just kept to themselves, had respect for one another, generally held Christian values and world views, but were more open about their imperfections and it wasn't the end of the world if said something "profane" in public.
Of course this also includes things like going back to accepting communism and socialism are evil, open homosexuality isn't acceptable or tolerated, traditional gender roles to a degree, etc. etc. But I doubt most would complain about that. I'm sure a few will (some people just like being miserable after all), but at this point, you'd have to be blind to see that most people are turning on the queers because of everything going on, as well as turning against socialism and communism because of current events. And the whole Trad-Con movement has only been gaining traction year over year among young people.
So in short, sheeple are gonna be sheeple. There's nothing we can do to stop that or change that. But what we CAN do is change what tune they bleat to.