I have ni opinion about Andrew Tate or his arrest for human trafficking. But ill just put this here.
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Right on. Never heard of him til 1 minute ago from this post. Seems like a loser/faggot
he's a clown honestly. he thinks if you don't live your life the way he thinks you should then you're a loser.
His fans are also usually loser faggots that just insult you and accuse you of hating Trump the second you say you're skeptical of Tater Bator. Based on nothing. They're a bunch of hot heads calling their idiocy "masculinity" -- kinda sad.
Andrew says a few things I like. This does not make him a player or anyone important really and does NOT make him innocent.
If he's really innocent this is disgusting. But there are soooooo many accounts of him being a douchbag by credible 'non-libtard-fuckos' I'm inclined to think it might be true.
Sadly people 'on our side' are using our beliefs as rhetoric to sell shit. Andrew Tate is ultimately this. A scammy salesmen selling online video courses and "access" to watch private videos of him smoking cigars telling you he's more of a man than anyone you know 🤣🤦